Chapter 3 - The First Task

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Hermione's POV:

The next morning, as I was leaving the Common room, I heard people talking outside the door. As the painting swung open, in front of me was a girl, average height, with shoulder-length blonde hair, and Kate, a girl I had met before. She has black hair with blonde tips, she was tall, but not much taller then the blonde girl.

"Hi!" The blonde girl said as I approached them slowly. "I'm Caroline! I was wondering if George was in there?"
"Er-no, sorry... He went to find you I believe."

Kate started laughing. "Again?! Merlin Caroline, I thought your boyfriend would have more time control."
"Kate, you do realize that it's George Weasley, right? The boy has never held a schedule in his hand his whole life."

Caroline smiled. "Well, we are just heading down to the first task. Wanna come with?"

My heart sank. I had completely forgotten about the task! I pondered this for no random reason. I don't know if it was because its early, or it was such an abrupt invitation, but I finally agreed. We all walked down the stairs, talking about how what we thought the first task might be, when Kate asked me something.

"So, Hermione, I heard from Caty, who heard from Catie, who heard from Ginny, who heard from Caroline, who heard from George that you and Fred are a thing now?"

I felt my face go red as Caroline and Kate smiled at me. "Well, uh- we aren't dat- er..." I started to mumble and stutter while Kate let out a squeal almost exactly like Ginny's.

"I knew it!"
"Caroline, do you know what this means?! The Yule ball is coming up, I heard, and the WHOLE school will know! Because obviously, Fred will be her date!"
"Kate, shh!"

Professor Snape, the potions teacher, was coming up the stairs and glared at us all. He studies us fore a few moments then moved on. After he left, Caroline let out a sigh.

"That was close! We shouldn't chat here. Too many Professors..."

After a while, we reached the quidditch field, which had been turned into a cage of some sort, I didn't know what was inside until I heard the load roar of...

"DRAGONS?" I shrieked.
"Yes, and they're monsters too." Said a small voice behind us.

Caty, a Hufflepuff, and Catie, a Gryffindor, approached us.

"Sorry for the interruption." Catie said, suddenly grinning and tapping Caty's arm quickly.
"What-? OH... Yeah, um, sorry I was late. I was escorting the exchange students to the stands" She said, grinning behind her yellow and black scarf.
"What are y'all grinning ab-" I started to say, but I was quickly interrupted by someone locking their arms around my waist and lifting me up, spinning me in circles, their chest to my back.

"Put me down!" I shrieked , giggling a little, seeing Fred's leather bracelet around his wrist.
"Magic word?" He asked.
"Please?" I asked, tilting my head back to where the tip of my hair was under his chin.
"Eh- sure." He said, grinning as he kissed my forehead.

He set me down and I saw all the girls smiling.

"Me and George saved ya'll's seats by us, and We've been waiting for a half hour! Come along now," Fred said, leading me and the 4 girls.

We got situated, me by Fred, Caty by me, Kate by her, Catie by Kate, and Caroline next to George, their hands intertwined. The first task started with Fleur, Then Krum, Then Cedric (Kate's boyfriend, who she cheered for loudly), and then Harry. I had several moments where I couldn't watch and had to turn my back, Fred telling me it would be fine. Then, the task was over, and Harry had gotten the golden egg. We all cheered and flooded out of the stands, Caty disappearing to help the exchange Students. We met Ron on the way there, but he gave us a disgusted look and turned away. I felt a little hurt,  but I brushed it off and kept Walking to see Harry. When we got there, I saw Kate and Cedric talking and sharing the occasional kiss.  Caroline and George were right behind us, congratulating Harry.

"Harry you were brilliant!" I said hugging him.
"Thanks," he replied

After we were done, I met Caty in the hall, hand in hand with Garret, a Slytherin.

"They're complete opposites," Whispered Fred into my ear.
"That's okay," I told him. "We are too."

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