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August 8th
"So." Dad said. "My job offer in San Fransisco has been cancelled."
I paused, spoon midway in my mouth. "What!?" I hollered.
"Sit." Mama ordered.
"My job offer was canceled. We aren't going to San Francisco." Sad repeated.
I stood up, ignoring mama's calls, as dashed to my room, eyes blurred and hands covering my face. I locked my door and heaved myself onto my bed.
I sobbed. 'We aren't going to San Francisco' buzzed repeatedly through my head like a wasp.
I sighed. I guess I have to break the news to Emma. First I checked the snapchat she sent me.
It was a picture of her putting up a peace sign and closing her eyes with a smirk on her face. "8 days! I'm so excited!!!!!!!! Janjejzhs."
This sent me into tears again. I cried until I had no tears. Eyes watery, I went onto Instagram to dm her. "My dads job offer got canceled. I'm not going to San Francisco"
She replied in seconds. "EHAT. WTH NO YOI HABE TOB COMR"
"Sorry. I would cry rn but I've cried all my tears"
"I haven't, so let me real quick" Emma replied, then didn't answer my dms.
I lay, staring at the ceiling for about five minutes. I grabbed my phones and went onto YouTube, my one happy place besides Instagram. Bee had upload a video with Grape and Graser.
I watched and felt a little better. I watched a video on Parker's channel that he'd done with Liam. I laughed once.
But as soon as I turned my phone off the dark clouds came back. 'We aren't going to San Francisco.' I opened YouTube again and watched videos until twelve am, where I turned in early and fell asleep with a meek smile on my face.


August 9th
My phone lit up from a notification. I was sitting on my front step, watching people go by. It was a dm from Emma.
"I think I've cried all my tears now too. This time didn't work out but maybe next time?"
I rubbed the half heart necklace she'd given me. "Yeah ;(" I answered. "If there is a next time."

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