Chapter 40

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"Yeah, it should definitely have the suede fabric."I threw my two cents in making the designer nod.

We were in a meeting working on a few designs for our collaboration with Supreme. I was so excited. It felt surreal sitting there picking out fabrics and designing pieces. I was literally so thankful and happy to be able to do that. That meant so much to me.

"Ohh, I'm loving these designs so far ladies."One of the designers stated making us all smile.

"I'm glad you do, I think everyone is going to love it."Shi stated making us all nod.

"Well, we will pick this back up in our next meeting. I'm loving where we are going with it so far ladies."

We shared a few final words before we all went our separate ways. The girls and I hopped into my car and headed right to get something to eat. That meeting was so long, we all were starving. We ordered us some food from InNOut and waited patiently for it to be ready.

"You know I'm kind of surprised you ain't otp with your man right now."Nae said with a grin as she looked over at me from the passengers seat. The girls knew whenever I had free time I was with Chres or on the phone with him.

"We're kind of not speaking right now."I admitted playing with the ends of my hair. I hadn't talked to Chres is two days. Every since that incident that happened the night of Shi's party he hadn't said a word to me. He'd literally walk right past me not looking or speaking. I expected that. I knew he was angry and upset with me. He honestly had every right to be.

"What, what happened?"Shi asked concerned, peaking her head from the backseat.

"Well, the night we got back from your party he told me he loved me."

"Aww, really?"Shi said with a grin.


"That was his first time saying it to you?"Nae questioned.

"Yeah, he told me how he's been feeling and where he sees us going then told me he loves me."

"Okay, then what's the problem?"Nae asked looking confused.

"I kind of walked out on him."I said turning my head, knowing they were about to get in my ass.

"What?"Shi questioned with wide eyes.

"What you mean kind of bitch?"Nae let out.

"Well, I walked out on him. He said what he said then I just got up and left, not saying a word."

"You're lying."Shi said with a chuckle, not taking me serious.

"I wish I was."

"Wow, Dani. That was such an asshole move."Nae said making me pout.

"I know, I didn't mean too. I feet just led me out."

"Dani."Nae said with a straight face as she looked at me.

"Girl bye, what's the real tea?"Shi questioned.

"Honestly, I was scared to say it back."I admitted.

"Hearing him say that kind of blew me back. I didn't know want to say or what to do in that moment."

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