Chapter 19

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It was time to head to yet another city. Alabama being the one now. For some reason things felt slow. Everything felt like it was moving slow, like something was about to happen. Something was bound to blow up in my face and at that time I was lost as to what could blow up in my face.

I zipped my suit case up, letting out a breath as I stood from the floor. I think that was my least favorite part about tour. I absolutely hated having to pack and move my luggage around almost every over day. It could be stressful which is exactly why my best friend came through every time.

My phone began to ring and I quickly picked it up noticing it was my daddy calling. I honestly was excited to see that because I hadn't talked to him much and I missed him.

"Hey daddy."I said with a grin as I answered the phone.

"Baby girl, how you been?"He spoke into the phone enthusiastically.

"Good, wrapped up another city now we're going on to Alabama today."I admitted as I stood my suitcases up.

"I see, I watched a few videos from you guys show the other night. You did amazing baby. I'm so proud of you."

"Thanks daddy."I said with the biggest smile. That's all I ever wanted. Is to make him proud.

"How's things going for you? Mama told me you've been filiming."

"Yeah, I'm down here in Vegas shooting for this movie."He admitted with a sigh at the end. I knew he was sighing because I mentioned my mama. I knew they had an argument, I just didn't know what for.

"What happened?"I said letting out a breath as I placed my hand on my hip.

"Nothing baby, you just know how your mother is. She wants my time and I can't give it to her because I'm working so much right now."My daddy lying ass said. He was working alright, but not on no movie. My mama had every right to be angry at him. He was hiding things from her all that time.

"Well dad, maybe you do need to free up some time for her."I stated. I was a female and I knew more than anything all a girl wants is time.

"I know, I'm thinking about taking a few days off to fly back home. I might even surprise her."He admitted making me grin.

"That would be perfect."I told him before hearing a knock at my door. I knew it had to be Jake because he was helping me carry my things on the bus.

"I have to go dad, we about to hit the rode."I told him.

"Alright baby, I'll talk to you later. I'm so proud of you and I love you soooo much baby girl."My daddy stated making me smile wide.

"I love you too daddy."

I quickly stuffed my phone in my bag before hurrying to the door to open it.

"Jakeee!"I squealed jumping into his arms and hugging him tightly.

"Deee!"Jake yelled as well as he swung us around, making me laugh.

I've honestly missed Jacob. Even though he was saying he wasn't being distant, he really was. Lately he'll see me and keep it going. Don't say hey or nothing. He'll text me and talk to me on the phone all day before he actually speak to me in person, which was weird. I didn't take it to heart really, but I did notice.

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