Chapter 54

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I sat in an interview with the girls with a smile pasted on my face. I was feeling good this day. In high spirits and loving the energy that was around me. I cherished days like this because they were rare. Very rare.

"We've been hearing about a lot of opportunities that's being presented to you girls in the acting industry. So, have you ladies gave any thought to acting? Have you girls ever been interesting in it?"The interviewer asked us.

"Honestly, it never really crossed my mind."Shi admitted.

"Same here. I've always thought it was cool and I could maybe see myself doing it, but I never gave it much thought."Nae stated.

"What about you, Dani?"The interviewer asked, looking down at me.

"I've always been opened to acting and what not. I just never took the steps to go after it though."I admitted.


"Yeah. I just grew up watching my dad and I've always loved the craft."I said honestly not even understanding why I brung him up.

I've always thought acting was dope. It was another way I could express myself and to be creative. We had so many opportunities with acting presented to us. That's what gave me that push to go after it. I'm glad I did because it opened my eyes to another side of me.

"That's amazing. We would love to see you ladies in a few movies."The interviewer said with a smile.

"And we would love to be in a few."I admitted with a smile.

"Before we wrap this interview, I just want to say congratulations to you ladies. Y'all have been killing it out here and I definitely see the hard work paying off. You girls have so many big opportunities and life changing events happening and y'all deserve it. I'm so happy and proud of you ladies."

"Thank you so much. That means a lot and we're honestly so blessed to be in this position in our careers. We're counting our blessings and thanking God each and everyday."Shi said making me nod.

We wrapped up the interview before we all headed back to the house. Keisha had to go work out this deal with us and this new upcoming app, so she didn't even stop by the house. She continued on in traffic, leaving the girls and I at the house. I walked in immediately smiling feeling that air hit me. It was so damn hot this day. All I could think about that whole day was getting to that cool house.

The girls immediately headed off through out the house as I headed for the stairs. Just when I was making my way there I could see Chres coming from the kitchen.

"Oh hey babe."I said the moment he got to me.

"What's up."He said as he kissed my lips.

"Did you just get back?"I asked noticing he still had his shoes and everything on.

"Yeah, we just wrapped the show up."He admitted as we both headed to the stairs.

"How was the interview?"Chres asked as he walked up the stairs behind me.

"Dope as always."I told him.

"They even asked about your cute ass."I said with a smirk as we walked down the hall to my room.

"Mannn."Chres let out as if he thought I was lying.

"What? They did."

"And what you say?"

"That you were my husband and I was carrying your last name."I said with a smirk.

"As you should've. Let em' know what it is."He said making me laugh.

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