Ch. 7

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Pete's POV continue~

This is a dream come true!!

I put the phone back to my cheek.

"Umm..*cough* yea, no it's fine.."

"Oh, ok I thought you would get mad or something."

"Why would I get mad?"

"Well in the past I would call and you would end up yelling at me.."

"Oh, sorry. I don't remember that.."

"Yea, I wouldn't expect you to.. you were usually drunk.."


"Yea...........(long silence)..... so I'm gonna go now.."

"WAIT" I kind of yell at her. "umm I was kind of... sorta.. I don't know.. but would you want to sometime... I don't know... maybe... have coffee?? Ya know... together? Someplace???"

That was stupid.


Oh crap, nice Pete! she calls you as like some sign from the gods and you screw it up! you worthless piece of sh-

"Sure! I guess.. I have to go to... a place. Text me the details??"

"Sure, okay. See you later, Jamie"

"Bye, Pete."


Ohmygod. Icannotbelievesheactuallycalledmethisissoamazing!howawesomeisitthatshejustrandomlycalledme????whatthefuckamIdoing?!?thisispatricksgirl!butPatrickisntherenowishe??ohmygodICANNOTtalklikethat,Patrickismybestfriendeverandheisinacoma,youcantevenTHINKaboutwantingtostealhisgurl!thatslikenotok!! Ohmygod.

I need to shut up, my brain is going crazy.. ugh... I need a drink.. I head to the little mini kitchen and grab a beer.

"Wait" I say out loud.

"I need to stop if Jamie is in my life again."

I put the beer down and look at my phone. 8:00 am.. ugh... guess I should text Jamie the details.. wow never thought "text" and "Jamie" would be used in the same sentence ever again.. nice change...


To: My Lost boo bear ;(

Hey, so how about we meet at the Starbucks next to that Walmart downtown?


I sit on my bed and wait for her to text.. 10 minutes later and she still hasn't texted back, ugh..



From: My Lost Boo Bear ;(

Sure, I like Starbucks! what time?


To:My Lost Boo Bear ;(

I do too!! 😍❤😍❤ and of course YOU do! your a white teenage girl, they always like Starbucks! lol. and I don't really care, I got all day, so whatever time works for you! 😋


I feel like everything is getting better. slowly but shurly.. VERY slowly.




Would my little saplings rather have short chapters and once or twice a week? or LONG chapters and once or twice a month?


(Hehe. if someone can guess where that's from you'll get a dedication to the next chapter!

Hint: it's from a fan fiction ACTUALLY on wattpad!!!😈😈😈😈😈😈😈 muwahahaha!!!

To the moon and back (pete x patrick x Joe x andy x oc)Where stories live. Discover now