Ch. 16_Part (2 of 2)

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Hello my little saplings :3

Wow. It's been awhile sense I've called you that...

ANYWAYS! I told you a few minutes to an hour! :)

Also, I'm really sorry my updates are always short. I have this thing about leaving cliff hangers. do you guys like the short chapters and cliff hangers? or should I have longer chapters but less cliff hangers? Please comment I would really appreciate it!

Anywho! TO THE STory.......


Still Jamie's POV~

I race to Pete's house which is about six minutes away from my house. As soon as I get there there I pull into the driveway and burst into his house.

"Pete!" I yell probably a little too loud. If Pete gets a call from Portland, Maine complaining about noise tell them it was me. I don't laugh at my joke, even though I should it was pretty humorous. Patrick would have laughed.. I shake that thought out out of my head and think. he should be here. where else would he be? I start to walk up the staircase because there's a pretty good chance he's up here.. somewhere.. I look in the music room. No.

Knock on the bathroom door? Yes and no he's not.

All the other meaningless rooms I don't know why he has and never uses. No and that's funny, I'm good.

His bedroom? I'm going there now. I mentally give myself a pat(rick. sorry hehe) on the back for doing that whole mental checklist and not getting confu- hmmm. that's weird sounds like he's talking to someone. must be one the phone which explains why he didn't answer when I called for him earlier. it'll be a little awkward going in there but I need to. he has to know I'm angry. I take a deep and swing the door open and-

I just look at him. Suddenly I feel a new wave of rage sweep over me but this time for a completely different reason.

"Fuck you!" I say and slam the door behind me.

"Jamie! wait!" I ignore him and keep walking to my car. The whole time I'm driving home all I can think is.




*freaks out and passes around boxes of tissues for next chapter*


Comment what you think!

Or comment what you want to happen!

Or just comment something really random that you think will make me laugh.... WHICH EVER YOU FEEL THE NEED!

I love you my little saplings!

Till next time...

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