Ch. 20

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Jamie's POV~

Three days. Three fucking days. IT HAS BEEN THREE WHOLE FUCKING DAYS. So much stuff happens in three days. Patrick, my life sucks, Pete has been shot, Andy committed suicide and, Joe and I kissed. And I liked it. Somebody please help me.


Three days prior~

Still Jamie's POV~

Andy has been in the hospital for about two hours and we haven't heard anything from the doctors. I don't even know what to think. We should know what's going on by know shouldn't we? I don't know what to do. I've tried contacting Pete but he won't answer me. Not that I would want to talk to him after what happened but he deserves to know about Andy. I just don't know what to do. I feel like my whole life is slowly falling apart. I'm the only one okay enough to decide what will happen to Patrick. I'm still not sure though. My mind is in a constant fuck you fuck this fuck that kind of mood. I have about thirty minutes to decide.

What if I transfer him? I will never get to see him. If he ever wakes up I want my face to be the first face he sees. But I would rather him have a chance then for me to be happy how he would wake up.

But what if ask them to pull the plug? Sure, they said that there is a possibility he could breath on his own but what are the chances of that happening? Something good like that would never happen to me because the world fucking hates me for some reason. But, I don't want to put him through this shit any longer. If he does die, I want him to die peacefully. Not still hooked up to a bunch of machines...

I think I've made my decision. I hope it's a good one.

"Miss? Are you ready?" A nurse asked, walking into Patricks room.

"Yes. I suppose I am." I sigh and stand up silently praying to god that I made the right choice.

"Pull the plug."

To be continued...

To the moon and back (pete x patrick x Joe x andy x oc)Where stories live. Discover now