Sorting Ceremony

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Gianna's POV:

The day of my departure to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry had just arrived, coming from a long line of Ravenclaws (my whole family including my older brother) had its expectations. Everyone wanted me to be a Ravenclaw. In my gut, I knew it wouldn't happen but the thought of disappointing my family would've been hard to bear.

"Be safe, Gianna! We will send an owl as soon as possible." My father said giving me a hug. He turned to my brother and said his goodbyes. I proceeded to the Hogwarts Express with my brother beside me and gave a last wave to my family as it moved.

"You could sit with me and the Weasley twins if you wish." John, my older brother, said. "That is, if you don't find an empty compartment." I wasn't really interested in sitting with my older brother, rather than looking for my best friend. I decided to take Garfunkel, who was a beautiful fluffy calico kitten, with me as I searched for Natalie. I came across her compartment. Natalie sat there hopefully, waiting for me.

"Hey!" She exclaimed whilst hugging me. "I missed you!" I had to admit I missed her as well.

The train ride wasn't anything out of the ordinary. John came in once to check on me, obligated by my parents. The train came to a stop and we set off to the sorting ceremony. Professor McGonagall gave us our introduction to Hogwarts and led us to the Great Hall. Then the Sorting Ceremony commenced. All the first years like myself were feeling noticeably nervous. I looked back and saw my brother at the Ravenclaw table sitting proudly whispering something to his friend. The ceremony felt eternal, suddenly I heard the words I had been excited for yet dreading: "Miss Gianna". I got up and walked to the hat and placed it on my head. Thoughts went through my head as I heard another voice, the hat.

"Hm, you aren't easy to place, are you? Don't want to disappoint your long line of Ravenclaw blood? I can understand, although you do have qualities that are compatible with the Ravenclaw House. I think you would work your best in...." Said the Hat. I awaited impatiently for the final answer: "GRYFFINDOR!" My heart sunk, I looked at the Gryffindor table to see cheering from all of them. I looked over to Ravenclaw, my brother looked proud yet disappointed. Had I really hurt my family so badly?

"Oi, Gianna come here." Fred Weasley said. My brother was good friends with them even if they were in different houses and ages, he was pretty cool.

"You sit with us today!" George, his twin, exclaimed. The Weasley family had lived in the same village as us for as long as I could remember. I wasn't really familiar with them but my siblings loved hanging out at The Burrow so I guess we had an 'okay' relationship and they had already been sorted into Gryffindor. Fred and George would tease me for as long as I remembered with my Ravenclaw issues. Meanwhile, their older brother, Percy, encouraged the possibility. ("I wish I were a Ravenclaw myself." Percy stated on various occasions.)

As I sat between them I heard Natalie being called. I was nervous for her. She looked pretty confident while sitting there and her sorting was very quick: Gryffindor. She hurried towards us, sitting between me and Fred.

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