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      Harry and I were busy enough with the Patronuses in Dumbledore's Army, everyone knew pretty much what they needed to do and could properly conjure the charm but Hermione insisted to keep practicing them. For me and the twins, it became more of a gambling point but nobody needed to know and frankly nobody found out.

When I wasn't in DA, I was with George. We were weirdly still going strong. I was losing interest in everything and I really do mean everything but not in him. My marks kept dropping and I think I was doing worse than everyone now. It's funny how a corrupt education system can affect one. I wasn't much for studying or getting good grades in fact. I was always average at that but I particularly enjoyed learning about things but now it was just nothing. There were so many restrictions here that the twins weren't even allowed to use their products and I wasn't supposed to be with George at all. Of course, that just motivated us to show a lot of PDA in the corridors instead. Needless to say, we received many detentions. It wasn't even that either, we weren't allowed to go out of the common rooms after 18:30 (6:30 pm) unless it was for business with Umbridge or health issues. This means that I could rarely practice my animagi-ing.

Natalie and I played a game of wizard chess in the common room when I felt someone hugging me from behind and starting to kiss my neck and my shoulders.I looked to see George looking back at me, smirking.

"What do you want?" I asked him.

"I think you know." He said, kissed me and his lips met my neck once again. I was feeling a little flustered from this already and so was he.

"Can't you lay off a little?" I said and chuckled. "I'll be back soon, Natalie." George and I walked to my dormitory not caring who saw us.

"Can't you be a little more romantic?" George asked me as he laid on my bed.

"What do you really want?"

"Aside from every inch of you right now, I came to talk." He said as I sat next to him cross-legged.

"About?" I asked while looking at him.

"Life, Gianna." He sat down behind me and put his chin on my shoulder while embracing me.

"My favorite topic." I said. "What's bothering you?"

"Well, my love." He whispered against my skin sending shivers down my spine. "I don't know. Like, we can't do anything anymore. You know, we got banned from the team, we can't sell anything. Is school even worth it?" He kissed my neck as he finished, I leaned my head backwards in both pleasure and to look at him.

"I've been asking myself that same question, Weasley." I said. "I mean not because of the team or anything but I just despise the methods they're using here. I mean, it's so early and we're stuck here." George pressed his lips on my skin once again before getting up and extending his arm to me.
"I get it." He said.

"Hey, George. How do you manage to sneak in here?" I asked; the real question. The stairs are supposed to turn into a slide if boys try to come.

"I make my own stairs." I looked at him amazed. "Put on nice clothes, we're sneaking out to the quidditch field." He said before exiting my dorm to go into his own. I threw on a long-sleeved dress and converse before going down to the common room and seeing Natalie finishing our game of wizard chess with Fred. That's nice. When he saw me, he called me over.

"Oi, sister-in-law." Fred shouted making me earn weird looks from most of the Gryffindors.

"C'mon. You must be used to this by now." I said defensively as I walked closer to them.

"Don't you look pretty? Where are we going on this lovely night?" Fred said.

"We aren't going anywhere. George and I, on the other hand, are going out." I said.

"Be careful. I don't want any Weasley nephews or nieces." Natalie said.

"Oh, c'mon. We're not doing that." I said as George came down and signaled for us to leave. Natalie and Fred did the 'I'm-watching-you' as we sneaked out of the common room.

George and I used as many shortcuts to the Quidditch pitch as we could to avoid anything or anyone. When we got there, he looked refreshed.

"I missed being here so fucking much." He shouted.

"I could imagine." I said. He hugged me.

"Let's go to the stands before someone catches us." And we did. We laid down on the bleachers looking at the night sky.

"Aren't the stars beautiful?" I said while looking at them.

"Yes, they are." George said and grabbed my hand.

"I'm so lucky to have you." I said and turned to face him. "To think that this almost didn't happen.."

"But it did, and it would've happened anyways. I wouldn't've given you up so easily." George said. "You're great."

"What's so great about me anyways?" I asked. "You're the great one here.." He kissed me.

"You're just amazing. Everything about you. I mean, you have a great sense of humor and I'm saying it." He said, I chuckled. I winked at him and sat down, he did too. I put my arms around his neck and started kissing it.

"Oh, Weasley. I know I'm a catch." He kissed me again.

"Promise me something." He said, I nodded. "Please don't let me do anything I'm not meant to do."

"What do you mean?"

"My mum's pressuring me and Fred to attend to some seminars for you know, 'real' careers.."

"I'll never let you have a real career." I said, he chuckled. "Promise me the same, though. You know how opposed I am to the ministry."

"I'd do nothing less." And we made out until Angelina Johnson and the rest of the Gryffindor Quidditch Team caught us and made us leave.

The Song Remains the Same: (George Weasley)Where stories live. Discover now