Weasley Is Our King

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The next Hogsmeade visit, Fred and George said we were meeting at the Hog's Head. We went over to owl post and sent a few orders with Lee, Fred and George. Hermione spoke about how we needed to get instructed in using magic and defending each other. They made a group thing called Dumbedore's Army. Natalie and I joined along with everyone there. After a few meetings everyone really improved.

There was a Gryffindor vs. Slytherin match short after. The Slytherins had made an extremely rude song about Ron. I was furious, I left the stand and decided to wait for Fred and George in the locker room. I heard a ruckus right outside. I decided to check it out when I saw Fred being restrained by the three chasers, George and Harry jumped in on Malfoy.

"What's happening?!" I shouted trying to get past the others. Fred was struggling to get through.

"Fred! What happened?!" I asked. "Let him go, Angelina!"

"No can do, Gianna." She said while holding Fred.

"The shit's insulted our mother." He said still struggling. I took out my wand but before I could do something Madam Hooch pushed me out of the way. Malfoy smirked at me before leaving. I realised now, maybe he was doing it to get back at me? I was even more angry now. They took Harry and George away. After the chasers let Fred go he came to me.

"Get him back?" I asked. He gave me a high five.

"Yeah, let's get him back." He affirmed. We were almost out when Angelina called Fred.

"You're coming with us." She said and grabbed his arm. I rolled my eyes. Bad timing.

"Wait for me, please." Fred said. I nodded. I finally was Mandrake free and all I had to do was drink this nasty potion, keep concentrating and wait for the best. I went up to the common room to see the team gathered around. George and Harry had been banned and Fred had as well. For no reason. The twins looked at me gloomily. After they finished talking I sneaked up to the twins' dorm. They were sitting on the floor trying to figure some of the orders.

"Guys.." I said. They turned around and smiled at me. George patted the floor beside him. I put my head on his shoulder. "I'm sorry...How will we get back at him?" They looked at each other.

"You're not doing anything." Fred said.

"What?!" I said a bit too loudly. They shushed me.

"We're planning on leaving soon." George said. "It's not worth it anymore, Gianna." I looked down.

"You're literally the only thing now that's keeping us here." Fred said.

"I wouldn't say I'm a thing but" I said, then chuckled. "I understand. I considered leaving myself.."

"Don't. You're good." George said.

"And you're not?" I said interrupting him.

"Not like you, Gianna." Fred said. "Don't get in more trouble for us." I frowned at them. Not like you, Gianna. What exactly am I good at? Ravenclaw genes and I'm not even smart. I decided not to confront them about it because they had been through enough already.

"No promises." I said, George frowned at me. Garfunkel was on Fred's lap with Ziggy and Gaius. We kind of just stayed there talking for a while until I fell asleep, I guess, because I woke up back in my dorm the following morning.

The Song Remains the Same: (George Weasley)Where stories live. Discover now