Visiting Remus

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"Garfunkel?" I shouted as I walked down to the crowded joke shop. I saw a group of little kids around something. Garfunkel wasn't the nicest cat but he was very beautiful and attracted curious children. I went over to them. They were trying to pet Garfunkel who was on a stool.

"Well, hello there!" I said grinning. The children looked startled. Garfunkel broke lose and jumped into my arms.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Weasley." One said. That felt so strange.

"Oh no, I'm not a Weasley. My name is Gianna. I'm his girlfriend." I said and pointed at George who saw me and waved to the kids. "Look, my Garfunkel might not be the best pet to have, but I know just what you guys would like." The children looked at me in awe, Garfunkel darted out of my arms indignantly and walked towards our flat. I took Gaius out of my pocket.

"Wow!" The children said in unison.

"I know, right? His name is Gaius. Here, I'll show you. You can get your own!" I said and took them over to the other Pygmy Puffs. The kids returned to their parents and asked them for a Pygmy Puff. A flock of annoyed parents went to the registers reluctantly to buy the puffs.

"What a business woman." George said while laughing.

"You see? I can get little kids to buy things." I said laughing as well. The twins and I had worked for so long that I hadn't even seen Uncle Remus or Tonks around even.

"George, I was thinking... Would it be okay for us to visit Uncle Remus?" I asked.

"Why don't you invite him over to the Leaky Cauldron?" He asked.

"I don't know... He hasn't really been answering my letters." I said.

"That's strange.." He said. I knew that Uncle Remus was hurting but pushing his only family away wasn't healthy, at all. John told me that he couldn't get a hold of him before he left to Ireland and that my father hadn't even tried to contact him. Again, I hate that he takes his anger on me out on everyone. Uncle Remus had nothing to do with this and he needed us more than ever although they didn't know about Sirius. Nobody did except me which made it worse.

"I know.. But I guess some people cope differently to these things." I said and shrugged. "He's been avoiding everyone this summer. Even John."

"I'll come with you after our shift's over." He said before attending a customer. Diagon Alley was getting dark. Florean's had closed, Florean was dragged out by one of the Death Eaters and nobody knows what happened to him. Fred and George didn't like any of us going out alone, especially me. I mean, with that sign they had, if I ever got caught it would be their fault. After they closed the joke shop, we apparated to Uncle Remus's house. Tonks came out of it looking slightly annoyed.

"Gianna, George, Fred." She said and hugged us all at once. "He's not in a good mood. Hasn't been for a while." She apparated out. I knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" asked Uncle Remus.

"It's Gianna." I said. "A Phoenix." He opened the door. Uncle Remus stood there looking grey and expressionless.

"Hello." He said. "Come in." We talked with him for a while but Tonks was right. The person with the best consolations was inconsolable. I hated the fact that I couldn't do anything.

"Lupin, we want to join the Order." Fred said proudly.

"I mean, we're of age already." George said. This took me by surprise.

"I do too." I said, George looked at me disapprovingly.

"Are you sur-" I cut him off.

"I can take care of myself." I snapped. Uncle Remus chuckled.

"Come on, don't be like that, Gianna. He can kick you out." He said. "Are you lot sure?" We nodded.

"Very well.."

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