The Song Remains The Same

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Teddy's departure day had finally arrived. I was saddened by this, my first baby was leaving the house. The whole lot of Weasleys, (not including Hermione who was busy working) Harry, and Andromeda (and even Narcissa and Draco) came to the joke shop before we set off to King's Cross to drop Teddy off.

"Now I can have my mum and dad for myself!" Stella said sticking her tongue out to a terrified Teddy.

"Stella Weasley!" I said. "Stop being jelaous of Teddy." She laughed.

"Jealous?" She looked embarrassed. George and I laughed.

"We know you're eager to start Hogwarts too." He said hugging Stella. We're parents. The thought still amazed me to this day. Stella was a different case, She was sassier than Teddy. But Teddy was more malicious in a way. I mean, he learned from George Weasley and Draco Malfoy. He turned his hair ginger. I took him aside.

"Why the hair, kiddo?" I asked him.

"I dunno, it has style." I chuckled.

"Oh, Teddy. I personally prefer the blue." I said. Look at me giving fashion advice. "I'm not ginger and I fit in pretty great with them. Your parents would've wanted you to be yourself so do we and we happen to really love your blue hair." As a baby, Teddy used to do that a lot. He'd change his hair to ginger every time we entered The Burrow.

"You're a Phoenix!" he said, point taken.

"That's just a representation of myself inside, Teddy. You'll learn who you are soon. Also, stop saying I'm a phoenix, I don't want to get arrested." He laughed. You know what he was? Rebellious and awesome just like his parents.

Our journey to King's Cross was filled with laughs and nostalgia. I remembered my first journey here like it was yesterday and now my boy is leaving. I am such a mum. Teddy seemed unsure.

"Don't miss me too much." he said, George and I chuckled.

"No. I wish you could stay. We could go see The Weird Sisters like your mum would've wanted." I said. George glared at me. "But that's for when you're older."

"You have nothing to worry about." George said smiling.

"What if I'm not in Gryffindor?"

"You'll be okay, Teddy Lupin. Gryffindor isn't the only important house at Hogwarts." I said.

"We wouldn't mind if you were in any other house except Slytherin." George joked. The other kids were boarding. I kissed Teddy's cheek.

"You best be off." George said. "Love you, Teddy. Take care!"

"Write to us as soon as you get sorted. If they don't let you, just speak to Professor McGonagall!" I said hugging him tightly. "Say hi to Nearly Headless Nick for us!"

"Also, tell Peeves you're my kid. I don't want him bothering you around, you hear?" George said, Teddy nodded.

"I love you guys." he said before boarding. George and I waved until the train was out of sight.


A few days after Teddy left to Hogwarts, we recieved a letter from him. Stella was asleep at the time. By then we even knew that we were having a boy which obviously was going to be named after Fred. George and I eagerly opened the letter. It read:

Dear Aunt Gianna and Uncle George:

I've been sorted into Hufflepuff like mum! I spoke to Professor McGonagall, she said my mum was amazing and that she loved having you guys in her class. She seemed really proud of me! I have made  friends of all of the Houses. Even Slytherin, Uncle George! I asked Professor McGonagall about Nearly Headless Nick, she said he was accepted into the Headless Hunt after annoying them forever and introduced me to the new Gryffindor Ghost. I nearly cried when I saw who it was, Aunt Gianna and Uncle George. It's Uncle Fred! He took me around the school and we pulled pranks on all of the other students! He's the funnier twin as he said! Haha. He sends you guys love and says he'd been waiting for one of his beloved nephews and nieces for eleven years now! He says he loves you all so much and he misses you as much as you miss him but that he's fine. I love you guys. I can't wait to see you again!


Teddy and Fred

PS: You've done a great job with the kid. I'm proud of you and your family. Also, Gianna teach the boy to play guitar! We didn't sing Ziggy Stardust so many times for nothing! Please write me through him if you want, Your Holeynesses. -Fred

PS: PS: Teddy says you guys have another kid and one on the way, so feel free to send pictures as well excluding yourselves. You guys must be very old now, thank Merlin I kept my good looks. My love to you guys and Mum and Dad and Ginny and Percy and Ron and Bill and Charlie and John and Natalie and so on. -Fred

We sat there staring at each other and at the letter for what seemed an eternity. Fred was with Teddy. Our children would meet their Uncle Fred that they've heard so much about. George and I looked at each other, our eyes filled with tears. Not of sadness, but of happiness. Perhaps Tonks and Uncle Remus also lived among the ghosts at Hogwarts. I smiled to him. Knowing that Fred was at Hogwarts gave us this comfort, something we truly hadn't felt since he died. George smiled back at me.

"The song remains the same?" I asked.

"The song remains the same." He affirmed.

The End

A/N: Thanks to everyone who came on this journey with me and read the story. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did writing it! Thanks for the support :) (annoying side note: Remember to check out my other story, Changes, if you enjoyed this one. It's also a Gianna/George story with a pretty cool twist. Thanks very much!)

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