Detentions and Secrets

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    Fred and George had been testing on first years in secret, like I had told them, with me so Hermione wouldn't see them. I walked towards my usual training room but it was sealed. There was one in the dungeons and I decided to take my chances. This reminded me of Cedric for some reason and I became rather sad.

"Alohomora" I said, the door unlocked but before I could step in, Malfoy came into view.

"Tired of that blood traitor Weasley so you come to seek real men?" He asked smirking. I scoffed.

"I wouldn't find any real men here, sadly." I said. "What's the definition of real men in Slytherin? You? Please, give me a break."

"Come here! This is Slytherin grounds." He said. "You are not allowed here."

"Whatever, Malfoy." I pointed my wand at him as I went out. Draco grabbed me.

"She attacked me!" He screamed as Umbridge passed.

"Detention, tomorrow night. Miss, Gianna is it?" I nodded as I glared at Draco. I rolled my eyes, she left. I didn't fight it, it's Malfoy's word against mine.

"Let go of me, you arsehole." I said. "Don't ever touch me! I'll get you back. Remember? I'm a better witch than you." And so I did with help of the twins. I returned to our common room. I didn't mention detention to the twins because they were in enough trouble, I didn't want them to stick up for me and get expelled. The next night I walked up to Umbridge's office. I knocked and entered. It was extremely disturbing with the color that most irritated me in the whole universe.. pink. I don't know why, it's not like I'm the biggest tomboy in the universe either, I just hate it.

"Welcome. Miss Gianna of Gryffindor?" She said. I nodded. "Very well. Take that seat and write 'I mustn't sneak out" I looked at her weirdly. "Go on." I did. After a while my hand started hurting. I looked at it and it said 'I mustn't sneak out' engraved into the skin.

"What's wrong with you?" I said angrily. The twins had had detention a couple of times this year I can't believe they didn't mention this. She looked at me furiously.

"This can't be allowed!" I said, she just smiled sinisterly. "This is abuse! You can't certainly do this."

"I'll see you tomorrow night as well." She said calmly. I frowned and left angrily. And so I returned the next night. I didn't snap at her this time.

"Glad you came to your senses." She said. "Another piece of advice, George Weasley isn't a good influence. I've seen you spend time with him." I was once again furious.

"Yes, he's my boyfriend. Just because he doesn't fit your mold doesn't mean he's not good. I'm worse than him." I said before storming off. I ran into McGonagall. I covered my bloody hand with my sleeve.

"That woman." She muttered. "Come with me, will you?" I followed her. We entered her office.

"You've been getting an unusual amount of detentions lately and your uncle is concerned." I nodded.

"I'm just dumb, professor." I said. "I don't know how to keep my mouth shut.."

"You're too bold for your own good, dear." She said.

"She.. She told me that George wasn't a good influence on me but I'm pretty sure I'm worse than him... You see, people underestimate them.." I started rambling.

"Those twins are mischievous but they're grand at heart, you know that." She said. "She's not the best judge of character is she?" I chuckled.

"I guess..." I said, "my parents aren't too happy about them either.. Especially me dating George. They like him but they don't get that it's my own fault."

"I see." She said. "There's nothing wrong with being curious." She gave me an 'I know what you're up to' look. I looked at her confused. "Just concentrate on doing things and get on with your life, I have your back." I smirked at her.

"Cheers." I said before leaving. I'm pretty sure Lupin told her about the animagus. I don't know why she'd agree to keep it a secret but I wasn't complaining.

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