It's My Birthday Too Yeah

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        As soon as we arrived at the kitchens we saw Dobby and Winky.

"Gianna, Natalie. Dobby has the Wheezys' food." He said.

"Thanks, Dobby." Natalie said.

"We really appreciate it." I said. "How's Winky doing?"

"She is not well."Dobby said. I looked at him apologetically. "Dobby will bring the food up for you and the wheezy." We nodded and headed back to the common room. The twins were running late and Dobby had already brought the food and was chatting with us.

"What did Gianna and Natalie get the Wheezys for their birthday?" Dobby asked. We showed him the scale model. "That is impressive. The Wheezys will be happy when they get here. Dobby must go back to work." We said our goodbyes and continued to wait for George and Fred in solitude.

"Whatever, really. The food's getting cold. I'm a little peckish, if they're not here in five minutes we dig in." I said getting impatient. Two minutes later the twins entered with Katie Bell and Angelina Johnson. Natalie and I looked at each other. We covered the model with Harry's invisible cloak, he had leant it to us for this.

"Oi, Gianna. Mind if they join us?" I looked at Natalie.

"I mean, it was supposed to be a date, you know?" I said.

"Oh." The twins said in unison.

"I don't know if theres enough food for all of us." Natalie said.

"There must be!" Angelina said sitting next to us. The twins and Katie looked embarrassed, one of the first times ever for the twins. Natalie and I chatted with them for a while but didn't bother to make the lunch last. I know, it sounds selfish but knowing Angelina was trying to flirt with Fred whilst him being with Natalie was enough for us to not want to hang. Natalie and I tried out for the Quidditch team on our third year but they got the spots, I was over it but Natalie had been reluctant of Angelina since then. The twins played a few pranks on them and one made them exit the room for a while.

"Natalie, I'm so sorry." Fred started

"We didn't think it would be something lovely like this." George continued.

"We thought you'd be pranking us." Fred said.

"Just kidding, we're pranking you." George said. They let off yet another of their new products. Natalie and I thought fast and turned everything we found into snowballs and started throwing them at the twins. Occasionally using a few spells to throw them off. We were soaked due to the melted snowballs.

"You look lovely." George said sarcastically.

"Those outfits are pretty radical." Fred said laughing at our wet dresses.

"Oh, shut up." Natalie said laughing.

"You can try to shut me up. It wouldn't work but you could try." Fred said smirking. Natalie went over to kiss him but instead shoved a canary cream into his mouth. Fred turned into a canary. We all laughed.

"Well, that backfired." George said laughing.

"You're not off the hook either. I'm just not as clever." I said. Natalie took Canary Fred outside.

"Oh c'mon, you know you love it." George said taking me into a hug. I struggled to get out of his grip.

"Stop being a wanker." I said and stuck my tongue out at him. He continued to follow me around singing Ziggy Stardust.

"It's only good when I sing it." I said laughing. He chuckled.

"What do you mean I can't sing our song!" He said laughing. Our song? Sheesh George, how cliché is that?

"ZIGGY PLAYED GUITAR..." I shouted. We ran all over the school shouting the lyrics at people annoying the hell out of them. Fred who was now back to his gingerself joined us.

"ZIGGY PLAYED GUITAAAAAAR." Fred ended. Peeves started throwing things at us.

"Oi, Peeves! You know we'll get you back good!" The twins said.

"I'll see you later, okay?" George said kissing me and rushing after Peeves with Fred. Now I was slightly embarrassed. There were some teachers outside because they had heard all the ruckus.

"It's their birthday!" I said and quickly left to find Natalie.

The Song Remains the Same: (George Weasley)Where stories live. Discover now