Chapter 6 {EDITED}

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    I picked up my phone "This is Phil, may I ask who's calling?"

"Phil, this is Detective Catherine Jones, the officer who investigated Daniel Howell's death. I want to inform you that the person that killed Daniel is in jail and will be put on trial; tape from his camera prove, as evidence, that James killed him. I would also like to ask if you wanted the objects that he had on his possesion when he was killed. They include his phone, wallet, his keys and a camera."

Relief flooded through my veins. The person who killed Dan was now officially put to justice, and I didn't have to worry about him killing another innocent person. That was a good thing.

"Yes, I would. I will come by in a minute to pick them up if that's okay." I replied, getting into the car. I was in quite a good mood, and I felt happier than I had in a long while, though not as happy as when Dan was still around.

"Yes, that will be fine. Ask the woman at reception for Daniel Howell's possesions and you can be on your way." The Detective said, though I noticed she still didn't have any emotion is her voice. It was probably a cop thing.

"Okay, thank you-for everything. I'll be there in a second. Bye,"

"Goodbye." She said, and hung up. That was really awkward. I guess that was my fault, I'm prone to causing awkwardness.

I drove the car to 23rd and went in, the same girl from three days ago sitting there.

"Hey!" I said, smiling as I went up-wait WHAT?! I smiled? That wasn't really something I did anymore, especially to strangers. Now I'm just smiling at random people, like I did when Dan was alive.

I dismissed my thoughts when she smiled back at me. "Hey to you, too. You're here for Daniel Howell's objects, right? You were here the other day, right?"

"Yep, my name's Phil." I smiled, flicking my hair out of my eyes, a habit that was similar to Dan's 'inappropriate winking' but wasn't quite as flirty. One thing we definitely had in common was that neither of us could intentionally flirt, but we accidentally did all the time. It was really quite annoying, and gave us quite a bit of hassle, but neither of us could help it.

"I'm Tina; it's very nice to meet you. If you would just follow me, I can take you to the storage room in the back. Daniel's things will be there." She typed while she said this, and when she was done she hopped off, and I noticed that she was very short. Last time I was too busy with to notice, but she was only up to my ribs. How could someone be that tiny? I bet she was made fun of a lot in high school, probably being called tiny Tina.

"Lead the way." I nodded, the familiar setting ripping away the good mood. I wouldn't take it out on Tina, but inside I felt sick. Actually... empty. I had the urge to cry but didn't want to, I  wanted to sprint away, but had no motivation to move. I hid these feelings, not wanting to just crawl back into my hole like I did the last time I was here. I was finally getting better.

Tina showed me into a huge room full of boxes, all just full of stuff that the people who had died had with them but their families didn't want. I wouldn't want Dan's things to end up like that, everything that Dan had ever touched was practically sacred, and I was pretty excited about having the last things that Dan had with him while he was alive; Like a little kid on Christmas in a way. Though, that is a pretty gruesome comparison, when you think about it, so I'm never going to use that again.

"Here you go, Phil; a camera, phone, wallet, and keys. Have a nice day." She signalled for me to leave, so I did and made my way back to my car.

I drove home, the drive from the station wasn't nearly as horrible as the last time. It wasn't that long of a way, only a few minutes and when I got home it was almost two-thirty. I had enough time to get ready and clean up a bit before Kayla would get there, if I hurried. As fast as I could I loaded the dishes into the dishwasher, put the groceries away and took a quick shower, doing my hair afterwards. When I was about half way done straightening my hair, someone rang the doorbell, and I set the straightener down to go open the door, knowing that Kayla would be there.

I let her in and she set up her laptop across from mine on the floor while I went to finish my hair. When I was done I saw that she was ready and was doing something on her iPhone.

"Hey," I said, grabbing a peach. She waved and muttered a small hello, engrossed with what she was doing on her cell. "Want a peach or something?"

"Got any Milk Teeth?" She asked, and I grabbed the box, coming back and sitting by my own computer, while handing her the packet. Finally, she closed her phone, beaming. I wondered what she was doing, but didn't ask, since it really wasn't my business.

"You ready?" I asked, and she nodded, pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose, her red hair coming out from behind her ear in the process. She ignored it and opened the internet tab, logging into YouNow. I did the same, the hopes of being able to get more people in our revolution team rising in my chest. No matter how many people we got, it never felt like we had enough so I was always trying to get people to join, not going as far as to be annoying, though- hopefully.

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