chapter 13

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As I reached the baseball field, I looked over at Andrew, who was already looking at me.

I glared at him and he returned it.

Anger boiled inside me as we walked to Laine's field and walked in.

We began the game, and we were winning by quite a bit.

It was my turn to bat, and I stood on home plate, grinding my foot into the dirt slightly. The ball came towards me, and I heard the crack of the bat as I hit it.

I quickly began running the bases, and right before I reached home plate, I felt the impact of Laine running into me from the side.

I instantly felt pain, and it had knocked the breath out of me.

I began breathing rapidly, as I clutched my stomach.

I glanced over at Laine, and before I knew it, Andrews fist flew at his face.

"Don't you ever touch her!" He yelled in Laine's face.

Laine fell to the ground, his hand on his eye as the other boys picked me up and helped me walk away.

We got to the sandlot and I sat in the dugout, all of the boys around me.

Suddenly, all of them walked away, and before I knew it, Andrew and I were alone.

"Um...thanks," I muttered, staring at the ground, "for, you know, sticking up for me like that..."

He stared at his fist, and sighed softly, "I'm a hypocrite. I just yelled at you for trying to punch him yesterday," he muttered, "but I had to. You know that, don't you? I had to punch him." He sighed again.

"Why?" I asked , watching him carefully.

"Because..." he muttered, "I don't know," I stared at him for a moment, "because I care about you." 

Before I could say anything else, he got up and walked onto the field, running his hand through his hair.

I stood up quietly and stood in my spot. I kept my gaze on him for a few moments but he kept his eyes fixed towards the batter.

I gave a small sigh when I looked forward. Connor was staring at me and he smiled slightly. I returned a weak smile as I turned my gaze towards Danny, who was batting.

The rest of the day went by slowly and awkwardly, when I suddenly remembered that the carnival was tomorrow.

I started to walk home, when I felt someone's presence beside me. I glanced over to see Andrew standing there, his gaze towards the ground.

"Hey," I said, smiling at him.

He looked up and smiled back, a smile that put butterflies in my stomach.

"Hey," he said, but I got lost in his gorgeous eyes.

What am I doing?! I asked myself, I don't like Andrew. Get it together, Ollie!

I shook these thoughts from my mind, and attempted to say something.

"So, are you excited for the carnival tomorrow?" I asked, smiling slightly.

"Yeah, it's gonna be awesome," he said with a grin.

As we reached my house, I turned towards him.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Andrew," I said, smiling at him.

"Yeah, see ya," he said, smiling and giving a small wave.

I walked inside my house, and for whatever reason, I felt incredibly excited for the carnival. I had a smile on my face as I went to sleep that night.

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