chapter 15

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I nervously walked up, and they turned around to see us, along with Paige who we had picked up along the way.

They all stood, mouths agape, and Andrew turned around. The moment he saw me, his mouth slightly opened, and his eyes widened.

I nervously pushed the hair out of my face.

Danny and Paige walked off together, as did Kris and Caden.

All the boys snapped out of it, but Andrew was still staring at me.

"You look...great," he muttered, staring me up and down.

"Thanks," I said shyly, "now let's go ride some rides!" I exclaim excitedly.

We all began riding different rides, when Xavier said something.

"Let's ride the Drop of Fear!" He said excitedly, pointing to a ride.

I turned around, and my eyes widened as I saw the ride he was referring to.

It must've been hundreds of feet tall! It was a two person ride, where you get strapped into a chair, and it takes you to the top, then drops you.

My stomach lurched as I watched two people drop quickly.

"Woah! Cool!" Andrew exclaimed excitedly, "Ollie, come on, let's go together!"

I hated heights, absolutely hated them, but still I found myself saying, "Sure, let's go."

As soon as I said it, he turned around and ran to get us tickets for the ride, and I stood in shocked surprise at my response. Why would I say I would go on something like that?

As we sat in the seats, he smiled at me, and I attempted to muster up a smile back, but I was petrified, and I felt my face lose its color, a queasy feeling filling my stomach.

The ride went up slowly, and I made the ginormous mistake of looking down. The other guys were the size of ants, we were up so high.

The ride stopped at the very top, and my stomach clenched uncomfortably. That was the worst part, the long time the ride sat up there, gathering anticipation with every passing second.

"Oh god..." I groaned, breathing heavily.

"Are you okay?" Andrew asked worriedly.

"I hate heights," I said, wincing slightly as I looked down again.

I heard a click, signifying that in only a few seconds, we would plummet towards the ground at insane speeds.

I felt him clasp my hand, and suddenly, being up here didn't really matter much anymore. All the terrified thoughts I had been having paused, even if for just a second.

As we flew towards the ground, I screamed and he held my hand tighter.

When we reached the bottom, we unbuckled ourselves, and when he let go of my hand, I wanted to grab his again, but of course I didn't.

The guys stayed in line to wait for their turn as Andrew pulled me to the side where they couldn't hear us.

"Why would you go on the ride if you're scared of heights?" He asked, laughing slightly.

I looked down embarrassedly, "I don't know," I muttered, "you just seemed so excited to go on it."

He laughed again, "I didn't care what ride we went on, just as long as I could go on it with you," he said, and I laughed slightly.

We then walked together to a few different rides, when all of us decided to go on a ride called the Tilt-A-Whirl.

Andrew, Karson, Connor and I all went in one of the cars, and it started spinning as we smiled.

I was beside Andrew, and when it tilted right, I started falling towards him. I tried to grab the bar to stop myself, but I couldn't.

I was leaning against him, and looked up for a second.

He smiled at me, and I returned it, my cheeks turning red, my entire face heating up.

When the ride stopped, I'm not sure why, but I couldn't bring myself to quit leaning on him.

He didn't seem to mind though, he only smiled as we stared into each other's eyes.

Connor cleared his throat loudly, and I quickly got up, looking over at him.

He only watched us angrily and rolled his eyes, walking away.

We walked to the front entrance, deciding to leave since the carnival was about to close.

I walked home with Andrew that day, unable to keep the smile off my face as I arrived home.

I laid in bed that night, staring at the hand he had held dreamily, smiling widely.

Stop! I yelled at myself, we're just friends!

I composed myself and drifted off to sleep.

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