Chapter 3

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The woman began to walk over to us, "Mr. Grady, I need you to come, take a look at something." Owen narrowed his eyes, "Why you calling me Mr. Grady?" The woman rolled her eyes, "Owen...if you're not too busy." Owen looked to me and pointed to me, "I'm pretty busy." The woman looked to me, "Ah yes, Ms. Hammond." "I go by Mae thank you." I said with a slight glare. The woman seemed to be annoyed, "Well I'm Claire, now, we have an attraction." "That's not what you said the last time I saw you." "I'm talking about the dinosaurs, Mr. Grady." "Owen!" Owen said clearly annoyed. "A new species we made." Claire said trying to swat a fly away. Owen walked up to her and quickly caught the fly, letting it fall to the ground. I raised an eyebrow, "You just went and made a new dinosaur?" Claire blankly looked at me, "Yeah, it's kind of what we do here, you should know, your great grandfather did it." "Yeah I'm pretty sure I would know, but going out and making a new dinosaur is a bit like you really seemed desperate." I said with a smirk. Owen tried to hold back his laughter, but Claire rolled her eyes, "The exhibit opens to the public in three weeks. Mr. Masrani wanted me to consult with you." Owen raised an eyebrow, "You wanna consult here...or in my bungalow." "That's not funny." "A little funny." Owen said walking over to the shack next to his bungalow. I stood in my place, something tells me Owen and Claire had a little history with each other, maybe I'll ask Owen later. Claire followed Owen, "We'd like you to evaluate the paddock for vulnerabilities." I raised an eyebrow, "Why can't I help him?" Claire looked to me, "You're new to this world, you don't know what you are doing, that's why we need Owen for the job." "Why me?" Owen asked as he set something down and walked up to Claire. Claire shrugged, "I guess Mr. Masrani thinks, since you're able to control the raptors..." "It's all about control with you. I don't control the raptors." "He creates a relationship." I pointed out. Owen nodded, "It's based on mutual respect. That's why you and I never had a second date." Owen walked passed Claire who seemed to be surprised, "Excuse me? I never wanted a second date." Oh, so they have dated, well, been on a date but that still counts for me. I have a feeling I'll be getting my answer for what happened with these two. "Who prints out an itinerary for a night out?" "I'm an organized person." "What kind of a diet doesn't allow tequila?" "All of them actually. And what kind of a man shows up to a date in board shorts?" "It's Central America. It's hot!" Owen said. I began to chuckle lightly. The two looked at me before Claire sighed with frustration, "Okay. Okay. Can we just focus on the asset please?" Now this got my attention quickly, "The asset?" I walked up to her, "Look, I get it. You're in charge around here. You gotta make a lot of tough decisions. It's probably easier to pretend these animals are just numbers on a spreadsheet. But they're not. They're alive." "I'm fully aware they're alive." Claire said. Owen looked up to Claire as she still stood on the shack while he was working on his motorcycle. Owen walked over beside me, "She's right, you might have made them in a test tube, but they don't know that. They're thinking, I gotta eat, I gotta hunt...I gotta..." Owen made a fist pumping gesture and I couldn't help but stifle a laugh and looked to Claire who rolled her eyes, "You can relate to at least on of those those things, right?" Claire was silent before she walked down off the shack, only a foot away from Owen, "I'll be in the car." Claire examined Owen from head to toe before she smirked, "You might want to change your shirt. They're very sensitive to smell." Claire walked away back to her car. Owen and I slowly looked at each other before we both burst into laughter. Owen high fives me with a smile, "We just totally owned her." "I can't believe it, she calls them assets like they're back to being fossils, what made you go on a date with her?" I asked looking to him. Owen held a smirk, "She came after me, that's all I could say." I chuckled lightly, "Central America, some guys I know from school have done that before, let's just say a lot of girls did not like that, but I don't see the problem with it." Owen shrugged, "Like I said before, it's hot." I nodded before looking to Claire's car, "Well, you should probably get going." "And miss this chance to hang out with you? Come with me to the paddock, I'm sure Claire won't mind at all, if she does she'll have to deal with me." Owen said. I rolled my eyes, "Okay..." I walked passed before smirking, "And something tells me you two still have a spark going." Owen blushed a bit, "We do not!" "Yes you do!" I called while walking to the car. Owen just rolled his eyes with a smile, "You are one different gal."

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