Chapter 7

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Owen and I found out Claire's nephews were last seen riding the gyrosphere ride. So the three of us drove to their location. When we arrived, I gasped, "Oh my god." There laying and badly wounded was an apatosaurus. Owen looked at Claire, "Stay in the car." The two of us exited out of the vehicle. Owen pulled out his gun, but quickly put it back as there was no danger around. We walked to the head of the apatosaurus, who only grunted and groaned in pain. Owen and I knelt down and began to pet it, or her. "Hi." I whispered softly petting her. Owen followed my actions, "Hi." I noticed Claire getting out of the van and walking over to us. The apatosaurus gave a groan, moving her head a bit. I shushed her quietly, "I know, I know." Claire stood in front of the us. The apatosaurus looking up to her. "It's alright, alright girl." Owen spoke. Claire knelt down and began to pet the apatosaurus with us. I can sense her slowly dying, but she tried to hold onto life. The apatosaurus tried to raise her head again but a little higher, causing Claire to gasp quietly. "Okay, okay, okay, you're okay." I whispered. The apatosaurus looked at me, and for that moment, I felt like I've been through this before. Great John looked at me in the eyes before he died, and now, it was going to be this apatosaurus. She slowly closed her eyes and went limp. My eyes watered and I stood. Claire had a single tear roll down her cheek, and Owen sighed deeply. I noticed something out in the field and my eyes widened, "Owen, come see this." Owen stood and pulled out his gun, the two walked over and stood beside me. Claire gasped and covered her mouth. There was even more apatosauruses laying dead with deep wounds. "It didn't eat them." Owen said. I nodded, "It's killing for sport." We continued to look for Claire's nephews, Zach and Gray. We soon found a broken damaged gyrosphere. Claire began to panic as she found one of her nephew's phone, "No, no, no," Claire looked around for any signs. I looked over at the ground and noticed something, "Hey, they made it out." We noticed their tracks and followed them towards a water fall. Claire looked in disbelief, "My god, they jumped." "Brave kids." Owen muttered. "ZACH! GRAY!" Claire screamed. Owen and I jumped. Owen hushed Claire. Claire looked at Owen with annoyance, "Hey, I am not one of your damn animals!" "Listen, those kids are still alive." Owen said. "But we will not be if you continue to scream like that." I said with frustration in my tone. Claire's annoyance was replaced with fear and worry, "So, you guys can pick up their cent can't you? Track their foot prints?" "I was with the Navy, not the Navajo." Owen said. Claire looked at me, I held up my hands in defense, "Never got that part in my DNA." Claire looked back to Owen, "So then what should we do? What do you suggest we do?" "You get back, and Mae and I will find them." "No you two and I will find them." Claire said. I looked at Claire as if she was crazy, "You'll last two minutes in there." "Less in those ridiculous shoes." Owen said. Claire stared at Owen and I before she unbuckled her top and tied it, rolling up her sleeves she put her hands on her hips. Owen and I looked at Claire with confusion, "What is that supposed to mean?" Claire frowned, "It means I'm ready to go." Owen and I glanced at each other, Owen sighed deeply and looked at Claire, "Okay. Let's get one thing straight. We're in charge out here. You do everything we say, exactly as we say it." "Excuse me?" Claire asked. "Just relax." I said with a calm look, "It's just like taking a stroll through the woods. 65 million years ago." Owen and I loaded our guns before the three of us looked out at the forest. Claire began to walk forward. Owen looked at me, "You think those kids will be okay?" "Hey, one of them is about my age, maybe older, he and his little brother will probably least I think." I said with a shrug. I grinned and looked at Owen, "Sometimes you and Claire act like a married couple." Owen blushed, "Are you going to continuously tease me about her and I?" "Until I see you two back together. But hurry, I might eat her." I said with a smirk. "Come on you two we have to get going!" Claire called. I watched as Claire continued to walk before I looked back to Owen, "She's not gonna make it. Not in those heels." Owen chuckled before he looked down, that's when he fell to silence. I followed his gaze and looked over to the ground. The Indominus Rex left a print, one big print. I grew serious, "Let's go." Owen nodded. We soon rushed over to Claire. I hope Zach and Gray know how to handle in the forest.

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