Chapter 8

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For a moment, we've walked through the jungle, I looked around, hoping to find the nephews. Suddenly we perked up to the sound of a vehicle driving. Owen stopped us as we listened before Claire rushed over to where the sound came from. Owen and I ran with her before we stopped to see an old building. I stared at the building closely, where have I seen this place before? Claire looked around, while Owen walked over and picked up a clothing, "This one of theirs?" He asked. Claire nodded while looking around. I looked over at the forest and noticed a road, "That road goes straight back to the park." I said. Owen noticed one of the vehicles were gone and looked around, "How did they even get one of these things started?" Owen asked. I trailed my eyes away and began to look around the building. I know I've seen this place before. I suddenly stepped on something and looked down. It looked like a sign. I knelt down and grabbed it. I examined it closely and read the sign to myself. JURAS-, that's what it  said to me, the other part was missing. My eyes widened, Jurassic Park! The same one Great John made first. My eyes softened and I sighed, what would Great John think of this place now? Suddenly we perked up to the sound of footsteps, giant footsteps. Claire jumped and gasped in fright. We waited for a few seconds, the steps were getting close. Owen and Claire quickly hid behind the last vehicle. I out of instinct hid behind the big leaves and grass the covered the park. I watched as Owen looked over at the gun he had left beside the vehicle. Before he could grab it, the foot of the Indominus Rex made him quickly look away. Claire quietly whimpered, but Owen calmly hushed her. The Indominus Rex poked her head inside. Her eyes were beginning to trail to mine, but I quickly hid farther into the plants that hid me. She seemed to look over at the vehicle and leaned her head against it. I saw a tear role down Claire's cheek, and I actually felt sorry for her. The Indominus Rex gave a final nudge before slowly backing out. When we thought it was clear, Owen immediately grabbed his gun back. We all sighed with relief, until the ceiling cracked down, revealing the Indominus Rex. She gave a roar as we quickly ran away. Claire amazed me, for someone who's in heals she runs like she's never ran before in her life. As we ran, we could hear the Indominus Rex give a final loud roar. I suddenly heard helicopters and looked up to see a few. I looked over at Owen, "Owen! We need to follow the Indominus Rex!" "Right!" Owen said. Claire took out her phone while running and put it up to her ear, "Lowery, we found  her! South of the Gyrosphere Valley, between the old park and the Aviary!" There was pause for a second, "Yes. Get ACU out of here. Real guns this time!" Claire said. Suddenly Claire stopped, "Who's flying it?" She asked. We continue to run, we followed the helicopter to what looked like the birdcage, for the flying dinosaurs. We watched as the helicopter began to shoot at the Indominus Rex. She gave another roar and ran towards the birdcage. The Indominus Rex cracked crashed through the glass. I stared with wide eyes, "What the hell is she planning?!" Suddenly a swarm of Pteranodons flew out, along with Dimorphodons. They flew towards the helicopter and began to attack the passengers. The helicopter began to struggle, before it quickly crashed down into the birdcage, exploding, and erupting in flames. The Indominus Rex gave a victory roar and ran out, the flying dinosaurs following behind. Claire gasped in horror and took a step forward. We realized the Pteranodons and Dimorphodons were flying our way. I looked over at Owen and Claire, "Trees, the trees!!" I shouted. Owen ushered Claire to the trees, "Go! Go!" He shouted. They flew closer to us. Suddenly Owen tacked us to the ground as more flew over us, dodging one of the Dimorphodon. I suddenly heard more people not too far away, "People! I hear people!" I said. We stood up and ran over to the sound of people panicking. We found people running and screaming. Claire's phone began to ring and she picked it up, "Hello?" Claire paused for a moment while Owen looked around. "Okay. Stay right there. I'm on my way. Stay right with them." Claire said and looked at me, "They found them, they found my nephews." "Hey!" Owen said. We looked over to see Owen on a four-wheeler, "Get on." I gestured Claire to sit behind Owen while I stood beside them. "Aren't you going to ride with us?" Claire asked. I shook my head, "I'm part raptor, I don't need a vehicle." I said with a grin. Owen grinned back at me and looked at Claire, "She'll be right beside us." Claire only nodded and hugged Owen from behind. Once Owen began to drive away, I ran with them. I kept my head low and my breathing steady. "The boys are at the west gate." Claire said. We ran, or drove, towards the west gate. Once we reached it, there was even more people panicking and running around screaming. Owen and Claire hopped off and we ran to find Claire's nephews. A couple soldiers followed behind us. When we stopped, they began to shoot at the Pteranodons and Dimorphodons. Claire looked around, "Zach! Gray!" She screamed. "Aunt Claire!" I heard a voice scream. I looked over and saw two boys running over to us. Owen noticed too, "No, hold your-" Suddenly a Dimorphodon tackled Owen to the ground, making him drop his gun. My eyes trailed to Zach and Gray. A Pteranodon flew towards them, but they did not notice. "Look out!" I screamed. The Pteranodon fell to the ground and almost hit the two. I sighed in relief but quickly looked to help Owen and began to pull my gun out, but Claire had already beat me to it. Claire picked up Owen's gun and hit the Dimorphodon off and shot at it until it was dead. Claire helped Owen off who seemed amazed by her actions, and I had to admit, I was impressed myself. Claire handed Owen the gun. Owen suddenly grabbed Claire and pulled her into a kiss. I felt awkward and looked around, "Augh, get a room you two." I teased. The two pulled away and looked over at me. Owen threw his hands up, "Happy now?" I nodded with a smile, "Very, I told you, you and Claire still have a thing for each other, and that just proved my point." "Oh shut up!" They both said to me.

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