Chapter 5

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Owen pushed me forward, "Go!" We all ran towards the door we entered in. Out of instincts my eyes became raptor. I looked over to see Nick being slow and lagging behind he looked up, seeing something he ran back the other way. I looked over and we halt to a stop as a giant figure emerged from the jungle and blocks our escape. It bellows forth a mighty roar. And for the first time ever, I got a clear look at eyes of something I've never been afraid of. Those eyes, they stared right back at me. The we turn and run back the way they came, but the construction worker isn't fast enough. Indominus snatches him up in her clawed hands. He screams. Nick had the giant door open, but now it was closing. The Indominus Rex starting trailing behind us. "Shit!" Owen screamed. I felt the adrenaline and grabbed Owen's wrist. I ran at full speed. Owen tried to match my speed, but I was practically dragging him. We reached out of the door we slid under the crane and hid. The Indominus pushes the door off of its track with the servos whining in protest and then steps out from inside the paddock, freed. "Where are you humans?! I can smell your fear, and it's delicious!" I heard the Indominus hissed. Owen and I watched with wide-eyes as Indominus stomps over to where Nick is sitting in front of a pickup truck. She walks around the left side as Nick, mustering his courage, peers around the right front bumper. He whimpers and sobs as he sees the huge tail disappearing around the rear of the truck, then turns back around, trying to hide. He clutches and kisses a crucifix. Suddenly the truck is violently knocked aside, flying through the air and crashing noisily to the ground upside-down, leaving the supervisor sitting out in the open completely exposed. Nick, Owen, and I look at one another for a long moment. Suddenly, the jaws snap down, grabbing Nick and lifting him up out of view. I gasped quietly, Owen acted quickly by drawing his survival knife he rolls over on his back. Reaching up, he grabs the crane's fuel line and hacks desperately at it with his blade until he finally slices through it, rupturing it and spewing gasoline down onto himself and I. Hurriedly, he smears it all over himself in an effort to mask his scent. I do as well as quickly as I can. Owen turned to me and held me close as the Indominus now approaches the crane and crouches down on all fours, sniffing. Owen and I lie here, perfectly still, well except me, I was basically terrified, never have I ever felt terrified in my life, as the dinosaur's bloody, gore-encrusted jaws inch closer and closer... until finally she withdraws, rising up out of view, and walks away. "WHERE ARE YOU?! WHEN I FIND YOU I'LL TEAR YOU APART!!" She bellows and walks away. When we were finally clear, we exited from under the crane. Owen looked to where the Indominus Rex had walked before looking to me, Owen gave a sigh and opened his arms, "C'mere." I don't know what came over me, but my eyes had blurred and I ran and hugged him tightly. I've only known him for a short time, but so far it's like I've known him for a bit, longer. Owen patted my back and pulled away, "You okay now." "Yeah thanks, I've never felt so terrified, that thing, whatever it is. It's lose." I said. Owen nodded before he gave a dark look, "I think we have questions that need to be answered." Everyone in the control room was bustling until we entered, a security guard walked over to us but we just past him. "I need to see a badge. Sir, mam, I need to see a badge." He said. "What the hell happened out there?" Owen asked. Truly I was pissed as well of what just happened. "Sir." The security guard said. "There are thermal cameras all over that paddock. She did not just disappear!" I said. Claire sighed, "It must have been some kind of a technical malfunction." Owen and I became angry. "Were you not watching? She marked up that wall as distraction." Owen said. "She wanted us to think she escaped!" I said. "Hold on. We are talking about an animal here." Claire said with a slight glare. "A highly intelligent animal." Owen said. "400 meters to the beacon." The woman who had warned us about the Indominus Rex said, I read her name tag, her name is Vivian. We watched from the cameras of soldiers who were exiting the truck with their, non-lethal weapons? "You're going after her with non-lethals." I said. "We have $26 million invested in that asset. We can't just kill it." Mr. Masrani said. "Those men are gonna die." Owen said. "300 meters to the beacon." Vivian said. "You need to call this mission off right now." I said. "They're right on top of it." Said a man. "Call it off right now." Owen said. "You two are not in control here!" Claire shouted. The soldiers continued to walk through the forest. The leader of the group noticed how close he was to the tracking device. He stopped and found the device, but it wasn't on the dinosaur. It was a piece of her skin. "Blood's not clotted yet." He said. "It's close." I said. "What is that?" Mr. Masrani asked. "That's her tracking implant. She clawed it out." Owen said. "How would it know to do that?" Claire asked. "She remembered where they put it in." I said. The leader noticed something and stood up, the sound of branches snapping could be heard. Everyone looked up. The trees looking like they were shifting. My eyes widen, "Holly-" "It can camouflage!" The leader screamed.

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