Chapter 6

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We all watched in horror as the Indominus Rex teared each soldier apart, the monitors that showed each soldier's heart beat stopped. My eyes were wide and my jaw has dropped. It can camouflage?! Who in God's name would add that?! The last soldier died, everyone was silent. Owen looked at Claire, "Evacuate the island." Claire hesitated, "We'd never reopen." I was silent, I just couldn't process all this, this thing it was no dinosaur, it's something dangerous. "You made a genetic hybrid, raised it in captivity. She is seeing all of this for the first time. She does not even know what she is. She will kill everything that moves." Owen said. "Do you think the animal is contemplating its own existence?" Mr. Masrani asked. "She is learning where she fits in the food chain, and I'm not sure you want her to figure that out." I hissed looking at him. "Now, Asset Containment can use live ammunition in an emergency situation. You have an M134 in your armory. Put it on a chopper and smoke this thing!" Owen said. "We have families here. I'm not gonna turn this place into some kind of a war zone." Claire said. "You already have." We both said. "Mr. Grady, Ms. Hammond if you're not gonna help, there's no reason for you to be in here." Claire said. Owen huffed and walked away, he tried to put a hand on my shoulder but I shook it off, "No! Great John never wanted this!" "Ms. Hammond, Mr. Hammond wanted us to make a successful park, we did." Claire said. "He wanted a park full of normal dinosaurs, that thing, that beast you created, it's going to destroy everything!" I shouted. Owen just watched with wide eyes as I spoke. "And here you are, saying we'd never reopen, how selfish could you sound?!" I asked. "We we're only doing our job! The people wanted more teeth, so that's what we did!" Claire's voice raised. "That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard, something new?! The world has brought them something that would have been impossible! They are from billions of years ago! Why can't you people see that these animals are rare?! Did you honestly think that Great John wanted a hybrid beast roaming around?!" I shouted. Claire gave me a dark glare, "Oh, a hybrid beast, just like you? I'm sure he didn't want to have you roaming around." My eyes went raptor and my teeth grew sharp. Owen was quick and grabbed me as I gave raptor screeches and trying to slash at Claire who jumped back with fright and the security guard pulled out his gun. I just huffed and growled viscously at Claire, "You are so lucky I don't have a sweet taste for human as my DNA." I shook from Owen's grasp and walked away to the elevator. Owen trailed behind me but not before looking to Mr. Masrani, "I would have a word with your people in the lab. That thing out there, that's no dinosaur." Owen entered the elevator with me and the door closed. The two of us were silent, I didn't want to say anything. "Hey, Mae are you okay?" Owen asked. I didn't say anything, I just couldn't. Owen sighed and stood in front of me. He put his hands on my shoulder, "Mae, talk to me." "I could see why you two went separate ways." I plainly said not looking up to him. Owen blinked before he scoffed, "Don't listen to her, nothing she said was true, you're nothing like the Indominus Rex and you know it." I suddenly have a whimper and my eyes watered, "What if she's right, you saw what I did, what I said to her before leaving, that wasn't me Owen, it just wasn't." Owen made me look up to him, "Hey, everyone acts different when they're angry, I'm sure you're fine, remember what John said right?" I nodded and with a smile, "Yeah yeah I know heh, besides it's not the first time I threatened something like that to someone." "Oh yeah like who?" Owen asked with a grin. I smirked, "Well, there was this one chick back at the high school who was throwing lunch at me, then she grabbed my lunch threw it on the ground, I just got upset and told her that the next lunch that will be thrown is her and that I liked my lunches to scream, let's just say she, and a lot of people stopped bothering me." Owen gave a laugh. I just chuckled, Owen really did know how to make someone laugh, "Hey um, thanks for comforting me it really helped." "Hey no problem, I hate to see someone all ups and downs, and besides, it's actually pretty nice to have someone with the same interests as me other than Barry." Owen said. I nodded and suddenly smirked, "You're still into Claire." "No I'm no-" The elevator opened and we both became serious. We walked out and another security guard tried to stop us. We began to have an argument with the security guard. But the security guard pulled out his gun. I growled but Owen stopped me. We just walked away and out of the lab. We walked to the lobby, we were going to walk back to his bungalow, but suddenly we heard a familiar voice. Owen looked over, "Claire!" Claire rushed up to us with panic written all over her face, "I need you. I need your help. Okay. My nephews, they're out in the Valley. Please, if anything happens to them..." "How old?" Owen asked. "The older one, he's high school age. The younger one, he's...He's a few years..." Claire tried to say. I just stepped forward and put a hand up to silence her, "You don't know how old your nephews are?"

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