Final Chapter

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We watched as the Indominus Rex emerged towards us. She gave a low growl. Mae looked at me before she smiled, the others nodding as well. I smiled at Mae before she looked over at the Indominus Rex and gave hissed and growls. The Indominus Rex gave a roar and flung her claws at Mae, causing her to be thrown and hitting a building. "Mae!" I screamed. Mae didn't respond, I quickly covered Claire and the boys in a protective matter. The Indominus Rex looked at us with a growl. The Raptors barked and hissed at the Indominus Rex. I realized they were ready to attack, so I whistled and gave them the signal. One by one each Raptor jumped up and attacked the Indominus Rex. The Indominus Rex gave a roar and tried to bite them off. That gave us time to run around her. Claire and the boys ran inside a gift shop. I pulled out my gun and began shooting at the Indominus Rex. I quickly hid and began to reload my gun. Suddenly I watched as Claire ran out of the gift shop, passed the Indominus Rex. I turned and began to shoot at the Indominus Rex. My eyes then trailed to see the Indominus Rex biting down on Echo and throwing her into something that burned her to death. My eyes widen and I quickly dodged the Indominus Rex's tail. I ran to the gift shop and jumped inside. I hushed the boys before I heard a quiet growl. That must mean that the other raptors were either injured, or dead. I slowly turned before grabbing the boys and pinning them against the corner as the Indominus Rex tried to get us from the inside. The boys creamed in fright when the Indominus Rex's claw crashed through the wall and tried to grab us. Her claw was able to grab whatever was wrapped around Gray's waist, trying to pull him out. Zach and I held him as tight as we could. Zach looked and unclipped the belt. Suddenly the sounds of another dinosaur was heard, making the Indominus Rex look away from us. I instantly looked and saw Claire on the ground behind a T-Rex. Claire looked at me and nodded. The T-Rex gave a roar at the Indominus Rex. I noticed Blue was the only one still standing to fight. The three of them clashed together. It seemed like the T-Rex and Blue were winning, but the Indominus Rex always had the upper hand. The Indominus Rex grabbed the T-Rex's throat with her jaws and threw her into the gift shop we were in. The boys and I quickly ran to avoid the T-Rex's jaws. I looked at Claire and she looked at me, "RUN!" Claire screamed. I quickly shoved the boys, "Go! Go!" I shouted. We ran towards Claire and behind the rocks. The Indominus Rex destroyed the gift shop by making the T-Rex crash into it, and the T-Rex couldn't stand up. I tried to see where Blue had gone while the Indominus Rex was about to make a final blow at the T-Rex.

Mae's POV
I groaned at the sound of someone barking at me. At first, I figured it was a dog, but then I realized I was at the Dino attraction. I slowly sat up. "Hurry and wake up!! We don't have time to be sleeping around!!" I heard someone say. I opened my eyes quickly and looked to see Blue, covered in scratches and wounds. "She'll win if we don't hurry up!!" Blue said. I nodded with a glare and stood up, "Let's go." I said, turning into my raptor form. Blue and I ran to where the battle took place. I finally saw the Indominus Rex hovering over a T-Rex. "Hey!" I shouted. The Indominus Rex looked over. Blue and I ran forward and jumped onto the Indominus Rex. The Indominus Rex gave a roar and tried to shake us off. What she didn't know was that the T-Rex recovered before sinking her teeth into the Indominus Rex and slamming her against a building. Blue and I jumped off and stood on the T-Rex. I noticed the giant pool that held the Mosasaurus. Blue and the T-Rex must have noticed too, because that's where we fought our way. The Indominus Rex tried to fight back, but we outnumbered her. Finally we through her to the edge of the pool. The Indominus Rex shakily stood up and glared at us. Before she could do anything else. The Mosasaurus jumped out and grabbed he Indominus Rex by the throat, dragging her into the pool, giving a roar. I stood breathing heavily and huffed, "Good riddance." I muttered. Blue and I turned to the T-Rex. The T-Rex only turned to us. We stood there staring at each other. The T-Rex gave a short nod before turning and walking away. Blue looked at me, and I looked at her, "So, what now?" I asked. Blue sadly looked down, "My sisters are dead, and now I have no family." She said. I softly smiled and put a hand on her head. Blue flinched but stayed still. "Hey now, you're not alone here, I know what it's like losing those close to you, but sometimes it's best to move on, and keep their memories close to you, there are more raptors maybe like you, facing the new world that they don't know...." I said glancing to see Owen, Claire, Zach, and Gray standing. Blue noticed too and looked over. Owen looked at Blue and shook his head, as if saying, "I'm not your leader anymore." I smiled and looked at Blue, "The other raptors are gonna need an Alpha Blue, I think it's time that you are one." I said. Blue was silent at first, before she nodded, "Thank you, even if I only knew you for a day, I think I'm glad to have been by your side." Blue said before turning and running away. I smiled as she ran before I felt myself getting dizzy. "Mae? Mae!" I heard Owen shout before I blacked out. The next thing I knew, I woke up on a bed. I looked around and saw citizens getting their injuries treated and families making sure they were alright. I looked at myself, I must have not noticed the wound that was covered by bandages around my stomach area when I lifted my blood stained shirt. "Hey sleepy head." I heard a voice say. I looked and saw Owen. I only smiled, "You look like trash." I said. Owen pretended to look offended, "Oh first words you say to me, and they're very hurtful." He said. I only laughed, making Owen laugh as well. I sat up and looked around, "So, where's Claire and the boys?" I asked. Owen gestured behind him, "Having a family reunion." He said. I looked and saw Claire and the boys giving two other people a group hug. I assumed they were Zach and Gray's parents. Claire stepped away from the hug and looked over at us. I stood up, Owen and I walked over, and so did Claire. We stood in silent before Claire spoke, "So, what do we do now?" She asked. Owen shrugged, "We could stick together, babysit this Raptor child here for a very long time." Owen said putting a hand on my shoulder. I only chuckled. "Y'know, for survival." He said. Claire and I looked at each other before I smiled, "You know, for a woman who's almost a control freak, you sure can run in heels." I said. Claire smiled and nodded. The three of us began to walk away. We walked out of the building before I heard a sudden roar from a T-Rex, the same one who helped us defeat the Indominus Rex. You know what? Maybe this isn't the end of the Jurassic World. As Great John told me once, all major theme parks have delays.

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