Chapter 10

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Owen, Barry, and I stood behind a table with InGen soldiers surrounding us. Owen pointed to the map, that showed sectors of the park, "We know that she is in sector 5. This is a game we call hide-and-seek." Owen said. "In other words, it's a scent drill." I said with my arms crossed. Owen nodded, "We've done it about a thousand times with these animals. When they get on target, and they will get on target, wait to engage." Owen said looking at each soldier. I opened my mouth, "There's something you all should know, velociraptors are pack hunters. They like to herd the animal into a kill zone." I pointed out. "That's when we take our shot. Get a clear shot, wait on my command, and give her everything you got." Owen said. I uncrossed my arms, "We got one good target, gentlemen." I said. Owen gave a serious look, "Do not shoot my raptors. Please." Owen said. After that, we went to the the paddock to check on the raptors before letting them go. We walked over to them, strapped so they could be touched up close, seems dangerous if you ask me. Owen walked over to Blue, who growled at him. I chuckled as Owen spoke to Blue, "Easy Blue, easy." "Easy?! You let that fat man treat us like pets??!!" Blue shouted, in which I understood. I held back my laughter, "Owen, Blue is not happy with you." Owen looked at me and gave Blue and smart look, petting her soothingly, in which she calmed down, "Attagirl, you don't scare me." Owen said. I shook my head and looked at Blue, "Hey Blue, if it makes ya feel better, Owen here gave the fat man a nice fist  to the face." Blue made a sound that was close to laughter, "Good riddance." She said. "Owen, Mae." I heard Gray say. Owen and I turned to see Zach and Gray standing  behind the bars just to make sure people stayed at a distance from the raptors. Owen and I walked over to the them. "Are they safe?" Gray asked. "No they're not." Owen said. "They tend to get easily jealous, and that's one of the worst and deadliest emotion to feel, especially for raptors. I should know, I understand them." I said. Gray and Zach's eyes widened. "You can understand raptors?" Zach asked. I smirked, letting my teeth become more sharp, "Runs in my blood you could say." I said. Zach stared at me, in which I crossed my arms and gave him an unimpressed look, "Don't even try." I said. Zach quickly shook his head and looked over at the raptors, "What are their names?" He asked. Owen looked over as well, "Well, we got Charlie, Delta, Echo, and this ones Blue, she's the Beta." Owen explained pointing to each one. Gray raised an eyebrow, "Who's the Alpha?" He asked. Owen pointed to himself, "You're lookin' at him kid." He said. Gray and Zach smiled in astonishment. I rolled my eyes and elbowed Owen, "Yeah the Alpha male, I'm the Alpha female, and it only took a mishap to prove my point." I said. "Yeah only because you cheated." Owen said. I shrugged, "I negotiated with them, all you did was probably become their like mom and gave them food, imprinting as you would say." I said. Owen chuckled ruffled my hair, "Now that's my way of cheating." He said. "Zach! Gray!" Called a voice. We looked to see Claire gesturing to a pick up truck, "Let's get you two into the safe truck." Claire said. I held back my laughter, but it came out as a snicker, "Safe Truck?" I asked. Claire rolled her eyes and Gray and Zach walked away with Claire. Owen sighed and put a hand on his head, "Are we really doing this?" He asked mostly to himself. I looked at him and patted his back, "It'll be okay, we have two people who the Raptors trust and know really well, and an extra partner who understands them, I'm sure everything will go as planned." I said. Owen smiled and put a hand on my shoulder, "Then, let's do this." He said. I nodded. Everyone after that was ready to leave. Owen held the Indominus Rex's flesh for the Raptors to smell. The Raptors grew excited, it was going to be their first hunt, I'll have to admit, I was too. I stared at the flesh before I looked up, "Owen?" I asked. Owen looked over at me. I pointed at the flesh. I didn't have to say anything, but Owen raised an eyebrow, "I thought you said you couldn't track like a Raptor." He said. I shrugged, "It's worth a shot, better than nothing right?" I asked. Owen nodded and handed me the flesh. I only gave a whiff of it before I smelt the aroma coming from the forest. I pointed to that direction, "I smell it, from over in the forest." I said. Owen looked over at everyone, "We're ready!" He said. Owen climbed onto his bike, Barry was already on a four-wheeler. The other soldiers had vehicles and trucks. I stood beside Owen. Owen looked at Barry and nodded, which Barry replied with a nod. Owen then looked up at the new employee, giving him he signal to let the Raptors out. I was at least impressed with him having enough courage to do so. The new guy nodded and pressed the button. The Raptors quickly raced out and to the location. We all followed close behind. I ran beside Owen, the Raptors surrounded both of us. I smirked, and so did Owen. I jumped off the forest obstacles to keep up as well. Suddenly the Raptors began to slow down. "They're slowing down." Barry said. I noticed why, we were close. "We got something." Owen said to his walkie talkie. When we came to stop, I followed the Raptors forward while Owen and Brady and the others gathered with their weapons. We waited. The Indominus Rex's footsteps were beginning to come closer. I got ready and so did the other Raptors. Appearing in front of us, the Indominus Rex gave the five of us a glare, her glaring hardening as she saw the other soldiers and Owen and Barry. The Indominus Rex looked down at us, "So naive, slaves to the humans as if pets." She growled. Blue hissed, "We are not slaves, we are Alpha's pack!" Blue said. The Indominus Rex lowered her head, "And yet, this is your first hunt? Your first time outside, locked away in a cage and given little treats when doing as you are told, when you could hunt like real predators, feast upon more meat then ever imagined, if you join me, you could get more than just a mere rat." The Indominus Rex said. I growled, made my teeth sharp, I switched my eyes to Raptor ones, and stood in front of the four, facing up against the Indominus Rex, "I am the Alpha female here, and I won't let the pack be held against a tyrant! You will have to go through me and the Alpha male!" I said. The Indominus Rex gave a snort, "Ah, I see, I am surprised they let someone like you out of your cage." She said. "I am like any other human, and I'm not a beast." I stated. "And yet they pulled a weapon on you out of fear, I know what goes on with people like you, people like us." The Indominus Rex said. I took a step back, "We, are nothing alike." I said. It almost seemed like the Indominus Rex was beginning to smirk, "Sure we are, hybrids created by mankind. Feared by humans. Same instincts of wanting to jump out. It seems to me, and you, that we both have a lot in common." She said. I opened my mouth before closing it. The Indominus Rex and I, both hybrids, different and feared by others. I hate to admit it, but she was right. The Indominus Rex stood up straight, "I have made my point, and I will need the Alpha female to show the humans who really are the hunters." She said. I tried shaking the negative thoughts out. The Indominus Rex saw this and began to make little screeches and hisses, ones I couldn't identify. The Raptors began to do the same. I began to have different instincts now, instincts that I feared to have, but it was beginning to feel, so right. I now had different thoughts, 'Kill them. Kill them all!'

Owen POV
Barry and I looked at each other, watching Mae, my Raptors, and the Indominus Rex...communicating? Barry raised his gun, "Something's wrong. They're communicating." He said. My eyes suddenly widened, "I know why they didn't tell us what it's made of." I said. Barry glanced at me, "Why?" The Raptors looked over at us, hissing and growling. "That thing's part Raptor." I said. I looked over to Mae, "Mae!" I said. Mae slowly looked at me, she was in her raptor form, but something was different. "Mae?! Talk to me!" I shouted. Mae hissed and growled at me, she hunched down as if ready to attack at any moment. If my eyes could grow any wider, my eyes would pop out. I softly and pitifully lowered my gun, "God not you too Mae." I said.

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