Chapter 11

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Owen's POV
"Light it up! But don't shoot Mae!" I shouted. Everyone began to shoot at the Indominus Rex. The Raptors including Mae rushed away. The Indominus Rex gave a roar and ran away, but not before a missile went her way. Causing the explosion to sent her to the ground. The Indominus Rex stood up and roared before getting away. We all stood and began to spread out. "Watch your six! Raptors gotta new Alpha!" I said.  We continued to spread out, watching our backs. That's when all hell broke loose. I heard soldiers screaming and shouting with the sounds of my Raptors attaching them. I had to do something about them and Mae later, we have to get that Indominus Rex killed and save the Raptors and Mae. I suddenly realized that I was in the tall grass, and alone. I searched around before I saw a figure. The figure hunched down and I figured it was Charlie. Charlie stared at me and tipped her head to the side. I slowly lowered my gun and stared back at her. Suddenly a missile launched right into Charlie, causing my body to be thrown back. I quickly sat up and watched the the fire that burned Charlie. I felt a hint of sadness, Charlie was always the youngest, the other three were mostly protective with her, and now she's gone. I quickly stood up and rushed over to my bike. Just as I got on, I heard Barry screaming. "No! No! Blue!" I heard him scream. I looked and saw Blue trying to attack Barry while he was inside a fallen tree. I revved the engine up, catching Blue's attention. Blue looked over at me, and I whistled before riding away. Blue gave a screech and followed me. I ended up losing her in the process, since I couldn't see her anymore. I trailed onto a rode and found the truck Claire, Gray, and Zach were one. The back door was open and I saw a panic look on their faces, but they seemed happy to see me. "Owen!" Gray yelled. "Owen!" Zach also yelled. I drove passed them and to the driver window. "We gotta get indoors follow me!" I screamed. Claire nodded and I drove in front of the truck. We drove to the park and stopped. I climbed off my bike and aimed my gun around to make sure everything was clear. We all ran over to the entrance and inside. "The control room! That way!" Claire said. We ran inside the control, passing by the lab, we heard glass shattering and stopped. We looked around the lab. "They evacuated the whole lab." Claire looking at me. I looked over at her before we all slowly walked inside. In glass cages were unique and original animals. I stared at one before I heard Claire gasp. I looked over and saw these men taking these tubes and putting them in a case. "What are you doing?" Claire asked. "I'm afraid that's above your pay grade honey." Hoskins said walking over to us as the others walked away. "Where's Henry?" Claire asked. Hoskins stopped in front of us, "Dr. Wu, he works for us." He said. Gray walked from behind me, "That's not a real dinosaur." He pointed out at the computer. Hoskins looked at the computer that showed the Indominus Rex, "No, it ain't kid. But somebody's gotta make sure that this company has a future." Hoskins pointed to the computer, "Imagine, that one, a fraction of the size, deadly, intelligent, able to hide from the most advanced military technology. A living weapon unlike anything we've ever seen." He said. "Hey, that's Mae." Zach said pointing to the computer. The computer now showed Mae, showing her from her human looks, to her Raptor looks. PROJECT MAIA showed on the computer. "What exactly have they done to Mae?" I asked stepping forward. Hoskins chuckled, "She, is the new revolution. Ha, even her name means the Roman goddess of growth, a growth of new soldiers, just think..." Hoskins pointed to the computer again, "Soldiers with animal instincts, moving in packs much stronger than anyone." He said. "Mae is not an experiment, and neither is she a soldier, she's just a kid." Claire said. "A kid with Raptor abilities." Hoskins said. I clenched my fist, "Did John Hammond know about this?" I asked. "Well, he did know she was getting these abilities, she even agreed upon them. We're just, going to use her for more than she is. She is going to be a great leader of the packs, she can speak to the creatures, no one will stand a chance. You see..." Hoskins gave a smirk, "Million years of evolution, what did we learn? Nature is a gift that just..." Before he could finish, a figure jumped into the room. It was Mae, but this time, she was covered in blood, that didn't belong to her, mostly around her mouth. Mae's focus was on Hoskins as she hissed and growled, closing in on Hoskins. "Easy, easy kid." Hoskins said as he was pinned against the glass. I covered Claire the boys to make sure they were safe. Safe from Mae, that doesn't sound right. "W-we're one the same side right? Easy, I'm on your side." Hoskins said. Mae tipped her head before she growled and tackled Hoskins. That's when we broke into a run. All we heard was the cries from Hoskins. The boys were about to run the other way, but Claire stopped them, "No, boys, this way. Come on!" Claire said. We were about to start running before a Raptor, Echo, burst into the class and landed in front of us. We ran the other way. Right before we passed, Gray pressed a button. Something distracted Echo, because she didn't run after us anymore. We got outside and continued to run, but that was until we were stopped by Mae. Claire held the boys close while I stood protectively in front. The next thing I know, we were surrounded by the other three Raptors. They growled and hissed at us. I slowly lowered my weapon, "That's how it is huh?" I asked. I slowly dropped the gun down. Mae growled at me. "Mae, you have to stop this, this is not who you are. You think you're a monster, but you're not." I said. Mae stood up straight, her Raptor eyes following my every move. I slowly stepped forward, which caused the Raptors to give a bark. I stopped and continued to stare at Mae, "Come back to us Mae." I said softly putting a hand on her shoulder. Mae at first did nothing, but soon her eyes reverted back to human eyes. Mae looked at herself before she slowly looked up at me, her eyes watered, "O-Owen?" She asked. I smiled and pulled her into a hug, "You're okay, you're okay." I whispered. The Raptors settled down, I soon realized that the cameras were off of them, which I think was a good idea. I pulled away from Mae, "Look at you, you're a mess." I said. Mae only sniffed and rubbed her eyes with a smile. Suddenly Mae's eyes widened. My smile disappeared, "What?" Mae slowly looked behind, "She's coming." She said.

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