The Testing

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Silverkit was cowering in the corner of the Waiting Den. She was alone now, her siblings already taken to be tested. She knew that Lilyflower was coming soon for her Testing. And she knew that today was Battle Testing.

Battle Testing. She shivered, then got up and began pacing.

Silverkit hated it. The fighting. The injuries. The blood.

Blood. Horrible, red, wet, warm, terrifying--

She cut herself off. No need to get yourself more worked up than you are already. Just enjoy the moment of peace.

Silverkit sat back down in the corner of the den, breathing deeply. In, out. In, out. In--

"Hello, young Silverkit," mewed LIlyflower politely as she entered the den.

Silverkit bent her head formally, carefully rehearsing the response in her head before she spoke it. "Greetings, Leader of the Flowers."

Lilyflower gave her a nod of approval, indicating that she had gotten the response correct. Silverkit let out a sigh of relief. Her last tries had been incorrect, resulting in many a scratch from an unsheathed claw. Blood. She shuddered again. Lilyflower turned back towards the entrance. "Come. It is time for Battle Testing." She began padding out the entrance of the den, pausing to make sure that Silverkit was following.

Lilyflower lead Silverkit to the Battle Testing Area, where her siblings were already waiting in a beautifully straight line. Silverkit took her place beside them, barely concealing her trembling. Lilyflower gave her a nod of approval before walking over to the rest of the Testers.

Oakbranch, Greykit's tester, took a step forward. "For our first round, Creamkit against Greykit." He stepped back and the two siblings stepped forward into the ring drawn in the sand. Creamkit was looking confident and glared at her brother menacingly, teeth bared. Greykit, on the other had, was standing as absolute far away as possible.

Silverkit fought the urge to look away, knowing that would be taken as a sign of cowardice, but the scene reminded her so much of poor Tankit's always had.

"Fight!" Oakbranch's call rang out an interrupted Silverkit's thoughts.

With a growl, Creamkit leapt at Greykit, snarling and clawing at him. Greykit, kicking out with his hind legs, managed to shove her off. With a weak hiss, Greykit launched himself at his sister, batting at her without much conviction. Creamkit suddenly tripped, giving Greykit an excellent opportunity for a killing bite, but he paused at the last second. Creamkit took advantage of his hesitation to pin him to the earth, miming a killing bite.

"And the win goes to Creamkit!" announced Oakbranch, sounding disappointed in his Testee's failure. Silverkit, on the other hand, silently yowled approval of his lack of violence. If only Creamkit were more like that.

"Next round- Silverkit against Brownkit!"

Reluctantly, Silverkit stepped forward, looking at her opponent. Brownkit practically bounced into the ring, looking pleased at her almost guaranteed success.

Silverkit looked at Brownkit, suddenly remembering her with bloodied teeth, standing over the body of Tankit. Murderer! hissed Silverkit silently. Sudden conviction struck her from nowhere, instilling her with a bout of courage she had no idea she had.

I have to win. I cannot let this MURDERER simply walk over me.


With a true hiss, Silverkit jumped towards Brownkit, landing on her squarely as though she had pounced on a mouse. Brownkit yowled in shock, trying in vain to shove Silverkit off of her.

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