The Leopard and the Bear

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"All cats old enough to serve meet under the Great Tree!"

Robinpaw's ears pricked as she headed toward the Great Tree. Apparently my thoughts of denmates were closer than I thought.

Ashbranch leapt down from his place on the tree and beckoned with his tail. The three Testees walked stepped forward, quivering with excitement.

Well, one of the Testees looked excited, anyway. Russetkit and Whitekit looked more calm and resigned than their littermate, who were positively shaking with excitement.

"We are gathered here to witness a momentous event. Three Testees are ready for their Naming Ceremonies." He fixed Goldenkit, Russetkit, and Whitekit with serious looks. "Do you understand, young ones, that this ceremony will dictate your future- your treatment, your role, and your position in FloraClan society?"

Goldenkit squeaked out an excited "I do!" while his littermates simply nodded solemnly.

"Then the Ceremony will begin," mewed Ashbranch, taking her place back up on the Great Tree and glancing at Oakbranch. At his nod, Pinebranch, Maplebranch, and Cedarbranch leapt down from the Great Tree. Pinebranch stepped towards Whitekit.

"Whitekit, step forward."

He did so, without any hesitation.

"Whitekit, for six moons you have been Tested to determine your abilities and which Rank you should be placed in. Your Tester and the other Leaders have conferred, and we have determined your Rank. Whitekit, do you promise, on the Sun and Moon, to remain faithful to the Den of Leaders unto death, and to serve your elders to the best of your abilities?"

Whitekit nodded. "I do." He didn't seem surprised.

"Then by the powers granted to me by my position, and by the power of the Sun and Moon, your name will be Willowpaw. You shall never abandon your Den, and will reside with the Den of Lesser Leaders until death, motherhood, or promotion. Rowantwig, you are ready to receive your first Trainee. I trust that you will pass down all you know to him."

The dark brown tom stepped forward out of the crowd and touched noses with Willowpaw, looking calm and composed.

"Goldenkit, step forward."

Goldenkit was not as calm as his brother; he almost skipped toward Maplebranch in his excitement.

"Goldenkit, for six moons you have been Tested to determine your abilities and which Rank you should be placed in. Your Tester and the other Leaders have conferred, and we have determined your Rank. Goldenkit, do you promise, on the Sun and Moon, to remain faithful to the Den of Hunters and Warriors unto death, and to serve your elders to the best of your abilities?"

"I do," he replied, quivering.

"Then by the powers granted to me by my position, and by the power of the Sun and Moon, your name will be Leopardpaw. You shall never abandon your Den, and will reside with the Den of Hunter and Warriors until death. Crowclaw, you are ready to receive your second Trainee. I trust that you will pass down all you know to him."

The black-and-white tom pushed through the crowd proudly to touch noses with his ecstatic trainee.

Now it was Cedarbranch who spoke. "Russetkit, step forward."

Russetkit did so, looking resigned to his fate now. A defeated look covered his features, and he looked down at his paws.

"Russetkit, for six moons you have been Tested to determine your abilities and which Rank you should be placed in. Your Tester and the other Leaders have conferred, and we have determined your Rank. Russetkit, do you promise, on the Sun and Moon, to remain faithful to the Den of Hunters and Warriors unto death, and to serve your elders to the best of your abilities?"

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