The Ginger Swallow

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The jab of a tail, not so gentle, woke Robinpaw out of her sleep.

Robinpaw blinked open her eyes to see Swallowpaw standing above her, an excited light present in her eyes. "Swallowpaw...? What is it...?" Her mew was heavy with sleep, and she wasn't entirely certain whether she was actually awake.

"Swallowpaw! I told you not to wake her up!" The exasperated mew of her mentor woke Robinpaw up the rest of the way.

Swallowpaw let out an exaggerated sigh. "But it's my special day! And she's my friend!"

The silver trainee quickly rose and stretched, wincing as her muscles were jarred by soreness from the tree climbing the day before. If I'd known it would hurt this much, she grumbled. I wouldn't have climbed that tree!

"It's alright," she mewed aloud. "I don't want to have to be woken up much more, so I need to get used to waking up early."

The meaning of Swallowpaw's words finally penetrated her sleepy brain, and she turned to gape at her. "You''re becoming a full member?"

Swallowpaw nodded. "Yesterday was my last test, to prove that I could look after others," she mewed. "You didn't see it, but Mousefang snuck into the bushes and jumped out to attack you! I fended him off." Her chest puffed out proudly, and she practically glowed with pride.

Robinpaw nodded, her denmate's words not fully absorbed. "But you're leaving?" First Quailwhisker, and now Swallowpaw...Robinpaw suddenly realized she and Thrushpaw would be the only trainees in the den.

Swallowpaw nodded as Foxtail padded over, laying her tail over her trainee. "But I wanted you to sleep in," sighed her mentor. "You deserved rest for that amazing tree-climbing yesterday."

Now it was Robinpaw's turn to puff with pride as the memory returned to her. The squirrel, killed with a bite while she balanced on the branch...

Thrushpaw purred, stretching up from her own nest. "Yeah! That was amazing," she mewed. "I've never seen anyone catch something tree-hunting for the first time!"

The other cats were stirring in their den as well; Robinpaw heard mews of patrols and competitions along with simple gossip. The silver she-cat noticed Quailwhisker curled around Owltalon; neither seemed ready to get up and move. Robinpaw's heart filled to see her friend so full of happiness and free of worry. A day of relaxation-- a relief for trainees, but surely a paradise for full members.

Robinpaw suddenly wondered when the ceremony was actually happening-- she'd apparently been supposed to be able to sleep in. "Foxtail? When is the ceremony?"

Foxtail purred. "Around sun-high," she replied, shoving Swallowpaw in mock irritation. "But your friend here barely let you sleep past dawn."

Swallowpaw licked her chest fur in embarrassment, ducking her head. "Sorry, Robinpaw. I was just so...excited."

Robinpaw twitched her nose in amusement, accepting her excuse with a nod of her head. "It's fine, Swallowpaw! I'd probably had done the same thing!"

Foxtail flicked her tail hesitantly, glancing out the entrance anxiously as if excited to go meet someone. "I'll let you guys figure out what you do for yourselves," she mewed lightly, padding out of the entrance of the den as casually of possible.

I wonder who she's going to meet? thought Robinpaw teasingly. I should ask her sometime...

Thrushpaw and Swallowpaw, however, were already arguing over what to do in earnest. Robinpaw eyed them worriedly before realizing that the argument was in jest-- neither was actually angry with each other.

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