The Rebels

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They walked toward the camp with heavy paws.

Robinpaw wasn't sure what to expect-- but she was confident it wouldn't be pleasant...

After all... She shivered, remembering Brownkit's exile. FloraClan isn't big on mercy.

Leopardpaw's expression was blank, void of emotion. He seemed calm...too calm.

He refuted that a moment later.

He padded up to her, and the silver trainee detected a small shiver down his back. He was so vulnerable that Robinpaw had to resist laying her tail on his back.

After all, that might be taken as a sign of weakness.

"What...what do you think happened?" he asked shakily.

Robinpaw flicked her tail helplessly looked at her paws. I don't know. But...but I'm scared to find out...

Robinpaw suddenly wished that Thrushnose were there, next to her. She needed her strength. But for now, Leopardpaw would have to do.

Heart heavy, she matched her steps with his.

The snow seemed almost suffocating now, though it was still falling ever lightly. Every flake seemed to weigh down Robinpaw and her companions until she almost didn't want to move.

What's waiting there...? she wondered.

She looked up suddenly as she heard the rushing of water ahead. So the river isn't frozen yet, she thought dimly. Isn't that strange.

She sunk her claws deeply into the tree trunk as they crossed the river, as usual, but her mind was far away from the usual danger. Instead, her thoughts were consumed by images of blood, and death...and Tankit.

Her paws made imprints on the snow as she walked-- pawprints that seemed oddly larger than she remembered. She'd grown a lot in a season...

"Robinpaw?" Foxtail's mew was soft but urgent, and she glanced up to see herself almost walk straight into a tree. She felt a flush of embarrassment, but simply looked up and kept walking.

They were almost there now, she could hear the anxious mew of her Clanmates ahead.

They entered the camp, where FloraClan was gathered under the Great Tree. The three Hunters and the Servant fought through the crowd to see what was happening and there, at the foot of the tree, were Crowclaw and Swallowtooth.

And pinned underneath them were a silver tom and a brown-she cat, both struggling to escape.

Robinpaw's mind was whirling. What had happened?

Thrushnose was suddenly by her side, her tail wrapped around Robinpaw comfortingly. The silver she-cat leaned against her thankfully, then turned to speak to her. "What happened?"

Thrushnose opened her mouth to speak before shutting it abruptly and gesturing to the Tree. Marigoldflower made eye contact with Orangepaw, who nodded slightly.

It seemed like she was about to find out.

The golden leader stepped forward and lifted her tail, quieting the hubbub of voices.

"FloraClan," boomed Marigoldflower, "we are gathered here to witness the trial of a rebellious cat of FloraClan and his accomplice." She glanced down disdainfully at the cats in question. "Silverfur of the Den of Servants and a rogue...what's her name? Mud? How fitting."

Purrs escaped the cats below, but they were tinged with fear or anger, she couldn't tell which.

"These cats," mewed Oakbranch, "have tried to injure and kill two of our Lesser Leader Trainees. They have also been involved in a forbidden relationship." He spat at them with contempt and they flinched slightly.

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