The Tree Hunt

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Robinpaw blinked open her eyes to the soft glimmers of dawn.

Huh. That's weird, she thought. Normally, someone else has to wake me up...

Right on cue, Swallowpaw stretched and turned to face Robinpaw, stopping, confused. "Well, this is a first, isn't it?"

Robinpaw nodded drearily, before turning to face the still slumbering Thrushpaw. "Uh, should I wake..?"

Thrushpaw yawned and stretched. "No need." She stopped, suddenly realizing that Robinpaw had spoken. "Robinpaw! You're awake!"

Robinpaw licked her chest, embarrassed. "I guess I finally got used to waking up so early..."

Thrushpaw purred. "Took you long enough!"

"Anyway," interrupted Swallowpaw, "we're going tree hunting today!" Her mew sounded excited, almost proud.

"We?" Robinpaw wondered if her mind was still muddled for sleep.

Swallowpaw purred. "Well, I get to accompany you today! I've finished learning all the moves now, so Mousefang said that I could protect you guys!"

Robinpaw nodded, excitement filling her as well. She'd never trained with Swallowpaw before!

On the other side of the den, Foxtail, Mousefang and Moletail were waking from their sleep. Foxtail stretched, glancing in Robinpaw's direction. Surprise lit her yellow-green gaze for a moment, but she quickly masked it and walked over to her trainee's side calmly.

"We'll be going to go tree hunting," mewed her mentor. "I assume Swallowpaw has told you that she'll be guarding you?"

Robinpaw nodded. Swallowpaw shot her an excited glance, and the silver she-cat returned it eagerly.

Thrushpaw turned to Moletail, who was slowly stretching. "Can we leave?"

Moletail exhaled sharply and grumbled, "Foxtail, can you take her? I'm just so tired..." His mew trailed off with a yawn.

Foxtail nodded understandingly. A glint of amusement flashed in her eyes as her gaze flitted quickly over to a slumbering Starlingclaw. "Of course."

Thrushpaw stared at her mentor curiously, before following Foxtail's gaze to Starlingclaw. She turned to Robinpaw, who could barely suppress a purr.

"Let's go!" mewed Swallowpaw, practically bouncing with excitement now. "Please?"

Mousefang purred, walking over to Foxtail. "Let's go before she explodes of excitement!"

With an amused nod, Foxtail padded out of the den, the rest following, where the pale sunlight slowly washed away the traces of morning fog. A sudden shiver stole through the silver she-cat at the chill. Leaf-fall was approaching.

For once, Robinpaw felt awake enough to truly admire the forest. The leaves above her were tinted the slightest bit orange as the sun cut through them, lighting the whole forest with an etheral light. The trees, though not the closest together, were surrounded by all sorts of foilage that made stalking harder and gave prey more pieces to hide. The bushes' beautiful green was fading slightly to an orange, and Robinpaw wondered how she hadn't noticed before.

"Robinpaw," came a teasing voice from beside her. "Stop gawking and pay attention to your Clanmates!"

With a guilty start, Robinpaw realized she'd veered slightly from the path. She met Thrushpaw's amused gaze, embarrassed, and tried to cover it with a purr.

Speeding up a bit, Robinpaw walked beside her mentor. She opened her mouth to ask her where they were heading, before realizing that she'd been here before-- Thrushpaw had taken her hunting not long ago!

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