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Hello, and welcome to Blossom! Before you begin, I do have a couple of things to say to everyone!

First of all, thank you so much for giving this book a chance! This is the first book I've completed on Wattpad! I love you all so much for giving me your support!

However, I do have some warnings.

One, this is a draft. That means there will be grammar/spelling errors and a couple plot holes sprinkled throughout. I am aware of these errors and have fixed them in the full, published e-book version that can be found by clicking on the link on my profile.

Secondly, every chapter beyond 10 is a private chapter, meaning you will have to follow me to read it. This is to help prevent copyright, so I do apologize for the inconvenience.

Thirdly, in this book and this series, there are references to:

-- domestic abuse
-- rape
-- homosexuality
-- genderfluidity
-- homophobia/transphobia

If any of these are things that you cannot read about, I advise you to stop reading here. I will not tolerate any homophobic, transphobic, or pro-rape/pro-abuse comments on my story. Thank you.

Finally, please do not find the need to inform me that I'm infringing on copyright laws by publishing a Warriors fanfiction. My family and I have gone over the rules, and I am not. (Sorry, that is a big one.)

That rant and rules aside, I truly hope you love Blossom!


The Burning- Book One: Blossom [DRAFT]Where stories live. Discover now