The Assessment

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Robinpaw shot bolt upright in her nest, noticing abruptly how shredded it was from her desperate dash through the forest. The voice she'd heard had been distant, perhaps only her imagination, but she dared not reply in fear that it was Willowpaw searching for her.


Now she was sure she wasn't imaging it-- a mew of concern and worry was indeed coming from somewhere nearby. It was female, though, that she was sure of. She worried, though, that it was just another Lesser Leader, trying to catch her off-guard...

"Robinpaw? Where are you?"

Robinpaw's heart leapt as she recognized the voice-- Thrushnose! Her anger at her seemed silly and petty now. Nothing seemed that big of a deal anymore...not after that...

"Thrushnose?!" Robinpaw yelled. "Where are you?"

"Here," she mewed, coming into view.

Robinpaw barrelled into her, sinking her nose into her fur.

"By the Sun and Moon, I was worried," sighed Thrushnose.

"I'm alright." Well, that was only partly true...but she'd fill in Thrushnose later.

"I hate to break up this adorable reunion," came another voice, causing Robinpaw to back away and look sharply toward its owner, "but Robinpaw's got an assessment to do."


"Of course," purred her mentor. "I was worried too-- though maybe not as much as Thrushnose here. She looked ready to rip apart anyone who'd hurt you."

"Shut up," muttered Thrushnose.

"Really?" Robinpaw looked at her white-furred denmate with something akin to pride and admiration.

"I'm just glad you're safe."

Robinpaw purred and buried herself once more in Thrushnose's fur before Foxtail's cough broke them apart once more. "Assessment?"

"Oh, right." Robinpaw reluctantly left Thrushnose's side and turned to her mentor. "Wait, assessment?"

Foxtail purred. "It's been eight moons, Robinpaw. You're going to be a full member."


Tree hunting.


Bird hunting.


The four stages of her assessment.

Robinpaw felt a shaft of worry cut through her unconcernedness, which more than one full member had told her she'd need. She pushed it aside hurriedly.

I can do this.

First, tree hunting.

Robinpaw spotted a sturdy-looking oak and sunk her claws into it immediately, ignoring the resulting pain from her claws. She'd chosen one of the hardest trees in the forest to climb.

So maybe she was showing off a bit. But tree hunting was her favorite.

She crept carefully up the tree, keeping as close to the trunk as possible. Her ears swiveled, on the alert for any rustle or bit of sound.


Some sort of animal-- a squirrel, perhaps-- had made its presence known by brushing against a leaf not far above her. It had been a bit to her right, and Robinpaw adjusted her course accordingly.

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