The Thrush's Ascension

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Robinpaw shifted on her moss.

She closed her eyes briefly, furiously trying to escape her thoughts, but it was no use. Of course, whenever she wanted to fall asleep, she never could.

And right now, she wanted that more than anything.

She turned to look at her denmate, who was sleeping peacefully, and sighed softly. Thrushpaw's white fur shone in the faint moonlight coming in through the door, emphasizing her size.

Why am I so much younger than my denmates?

She shifted restlessly again. Tomorrow, she'd have this entire side of the den to herself. Some may have relished this, but it just seemed to be emphasizing how young Robinpaw was. I've only been here four moons, she thought gloomily. And now everyone is ready to move on.

She thought back to her kithood, about the younger kits who'd eventually be her denmates. Finchfeather's kits-- Russetkit, Goldenkit, and Whitekit-- might join her soon. She paused, thinking. They're four moons younger, right? So they'll be joining me any time now.

Not that she was sure that was a good thing. She barely remembered them-- there'd been enough kits that they were separated in Testing. She only knew them from when they were up to two moons old, which wasn't exactly the best age to judge their character at.

But at least I won't be alone.

Satisfied in this thought, Robinpaw finally drifted off to sleep.


Robinpaw blinked open her eyes at the first rays of the sun. She turned to look at her mentor, who was sleeping in the corner of the den. It was almost normal now to wake up before the others. She purred quietly. This'll take some getting used to. It's so weird to be awake first...

A stirring to her right caused her to rethink her assumption. Someone else was awake. She turned to see Quailwhisker blinking at her sleepily. She raised her tail in greeting, and Robinpaw inclined her head in acknowledgement.

The tortoiseshell she-cat dipped her head toward the exit, and Robinpaw nodded. She stepped out of the den, watching Quailwhisker carefully pick her way across the sleeping cats before joining her in the clearing.

"How are you doing?" asked Robinpaw. She hadn't really talked much to Quailwhisker after the tortoiseshell had become a full member.

Quailwhisker purred happily. "Great."

"How's Owltalon?"

A dreamy look covered Quailwhisker's face as she looked back at her sleeping mate. "Amazing."

Robinpaw couldn't resist teasing her a bit. "Do you always look so dreamy even when you're speaking to him?"

The faraway look on Quailwhisker evaporated. "Shut up."

The silver trainee bit back a purr. "Sorry." She paused, looking down at her paws. "Can I go hunting with you before...before Thrushpaw's ceremony?"

Quailwhisker sent her a sympathetic glance. "Sure." She padded quietly back into the den, then poked her mate gently. "Owltalon. Wake up."

"Hmm?" Owltalon's eyes opened blearily, a sleepy smile covering his features as his gaze landed on Quailwhisker. "Good morning, dear."

Quailwhisker purred. "Can you come hunting with Robinpaw and I?"

"Robinpaw..?" He looked past Quailwhisker before noticing Robinpaw. "Oh."

"Yes, oh. Now get up, you lazy pile of bones," mewed Quailwhisker, nudging him again.

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