The Argument

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Robinear dropped her prey in the pile and sat down, exhausted.

Her hunting partner that day, Thrushnose, looked at her in concern. "Are you alright? Do you need some rest?"

Robinear shook her head. "I'm fine. You need some, though."

Thrushnose shook her head stubbornly. "No, I don't."

Robinear rolled her eyes. "Sure. I'm going to share some prey with Greyfur, alright?" She began to walk toward her brother, bird already in her mouth.

"Hey! Wait for me!" Thrushnose caught up to her just as the silver tabby sat down next to Greyfur.

He purred. "You guys are so cute!"

Robinear ducked her head. "I could say the same about you and Fawnfur!" she teased. The two servants had their tails twined as they shared a mouse. "When are you two going to be expecting kits?"

Fawnfur swatted her with her tail and snuggled close to Greyfur. "Shut up."

"Speaking of kits..." Thrushnose cut in. "...I think one of our denmates is expecting." She glanced meaningfully in Quailwhisker's direction.

"Really?" Robinear tilted her head. She doesn't LOOK like she's expecting...but I suppose she was tired yesterday...

Thrushnose flicked her tail. "It's just a rumor I heard."

"When did you become such a gossip?" Robinear purred.

Thrushnose rolled her eyes. "I always have been."

Robinear paused, considering. "True."

She took a bite of her bird and savored it, then shoved it over to Thrushnose. "Want some?"

Thrushnose didn't even reply, just took a bite. "Thanks," she mumbled through the bird.

Robinear purred. "You're welcome." 

"Hey," Fawnfur mewed suddenly. "I think that one tom is staring at you, Robinear." She was gesturing to someone over the silver tabby's shoulder.

Robinear exhaled sharply, but didn't look over. "Please don't tell me it's Willowpaw."

Thrushnose looked over her shoulder and sighed. "It is." She hissed. "I'm going to claw his face up until it's unrecognizable!"

"Whoa, calm down." Robinear smoothed down Thrushnose's fur with her tail. Though I wouldn't object to that idea.

Thrushnose shrugged off Robinear's tail and stalked over to Willowpaw, fur bristling. Robinear started to run after her, but was stopped by a weight in her tail.

She whipped around to see Greyfur sitting firmly on it. "You'll just make it worse."

Robinear sighed. He's right. Sitting down, tail still pinned, Robinear prayed to the Sun and Moon that Thrushnose wouldn't get hurt.

"Why are you staring at Robinear?" Straight and to the point-- Thrushnose's style.

Willowpaw purred and curled his tail around his paws. "Well, why not?"

Thrushnose seemed to struggle to contain a hiss. "Because it's creepy, that's why!"

Willowpaw uncurled his tail and flicked it dismissively. "Creepy, not creepy. Whatever. I can do what I want."

His eyes seemed to send another message: I can claim whoever I want.

Thrushnose hissed. "Stay away from her!"

Willowpaw purred again. "Careful, careful. Cats might think you have a forbidden relationship."

"W-we're just...just friends!" Thrushnose seemed to choke on the word.

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