The Lesser Leader

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Robinear woke up to a feeling of unsettlement.

At first, she couldn't remember what was wrong.

Then she remembered.

It had been three more moons.

Robinear groaned and settled back down on her moss, only to have Thrushnose peer over to her with concern. "Are you alright?" she asked.

Robinear shook her head glumly. "No."

Thrushnose blinked once and waited for an explanation.

Sighing, Robinear sat up. "Willowpaw becomes a full member today," she mewed.

Thrushnose's fur bushed up. "He does? Well he better keep away from you, that foxdunged--"

"Shhh! He is a Lesser Leader!"

Thrushnose rolled her eyes but begrudgingly shut up.

Robinear glanced around the den. Everything seemed so...normal. It seemed odd, wrong, that the rest of the Clan would go about their days as usual when Willowpaw became a full member. But of course, they weren't the ones who would be forced into a temporary claim.

I wish that I could pretend that this day was like any other cat's promotion...but I can't. I can't.

Maybe he's nicer than I think he is...?

Leopardpaw sat up, stretching. "Good morning, Robinear, Thrushnose!"

Thrushnose purred. "Hi, Leopardpaw! Ready for your ceremony?" She'd become a lot nicer to Leopardpaw ever since Robinear had told her about what Leopardpaw had said, late that night.

Leopardpaw's tail shot up. "Oh! Right! I forgot!" He purred. "I passed my assessment!"

Kestrelwing nodded. "I'm proud of you, Leopardpaw. You did very well!"

Leopardpaw puffed out his golden chest. "I did, didn't I?" He then proceeded to try to strut out of the den. He nearly fell flat on his face, and Thrushnose and Robinear exploded into purrs of laughter.

Leopardpaw ducked his head. "Oops."

Bearpaw yawned and poked his head up. "Leopardpaw? It's our ceremony today, right?"

Robinear turned to face Bearpaw, a hint of surprise covering her features. She'd practically forgotten about Bearpaw, if she was honest with herself. The russet tom barely interacted with her, and Leopardpaw never really spoke about him either.

She was more concerned with his brother.

Leopardpaw nodded. "Of course it is!" He purred happily and ducked out of the door, Bearpaw on his heels. "C'mon, let's hunt!"

Robinear could hear Bearpaw's huff of annoyance. "I'm not a Hunter, Leopardpaw..."

The silver tabby couldn't believe that it had really been three moons, it'd barely seemed like a couple of days. But that was what dread did, she supposed. Made things go faster.

Leopardpaw purred. "Well, come guard me, then!"

Bearpaw sighed. "Fine..." Robinear heard their pawsteps retreating, and she turned to look at Thrushnose.

The beautiful white she-cat was holding back purrs of laughter. "I can't believe they're even related," she snorted. "Bearpaw is so serious, and Leopardpaw's...not."

A purr escaped Robinear's throat, though it died quickly. Thrushnose laid her tail on Robinear's back. "Are you alright?" she asked in concern.

Robinear sighed. "As well as I can, considering the circumstances." She dropped her gaze to her paws for a moment before looking back up at Thrushnonse. "Are we on hunting duty today?"

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