Limited Time Discount!

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Due to the fact that I have reached 350 (!) followers on my account, Blossom will be available for a week only at the reduced price of $2.99! And even if you happen to have already bought my book, I'd really appreciate a review on Amazon!

The link to this book's Amazon is on my profile page, and can also be found by going to kathrynkaylarson

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The link to this book's Amazon is on my profile page, and can also be found by going to!

Please note: This is still only an e-book and the updated price may take a day or two to load due to Amazon's reviewing process.

THIS SALE ENDS ON NOV. 26, 2017 AT 11:59pm EST

I hope you guys consider supporting me as a new author, but if not I completely understand <3

On a side note, the sequel, Bloom, is almost halfway done! I hope you all are enjoying reading it as much as I am writing it!

Thank you so much for reading this book!


The Burning- Book One: Blossom [DRAFT]Where stories live. Discover now