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"Welcome home!" I cheered as my parents wandered through the front door, the next day.

"It's so good to see you darling!" My mum sobbed as she opened her arms, welcoming a tight hug. "How are things? Has everything been ok?"

"Things are great!" I said truthfully, grinning brim to brim. "More than great, actually-"

"What has gotten into you?" My dad laughed as he entered the door. "Normally, you're moody and miserable."

"Must be having all this time off to relax before going to university in September." My mum assumed causing my dad to nod in agreement. "I hope you weren't too lonely whilst we was away."

"I was absolutely fine!" I beamed with happiness. "I had company come over-"

"Who?" My dad asked as his eyes widen. "I thought you said over the phone, you had a falling out with Olivia after a slight disagreement."

"Brad." I smiled innocently. "And of course Arabella!"

"Next door neighbour Brad?" My mum asked uneasily. "Bradley Will Simpson, Anne and Derek's son?

"How many other Brad's do I know?" I giggled despite the frowns I was receiving. "He knocked on the door other day asking for you as he was having problems with Arabella, so I went round and somehow I'm now her baby sitter."

"You're only a child yourself." My dad said firmly. "Surely, you aren't capable of looking after a three month year old baby-"

"Actually, I'm quite good!" I insisted strongly. "And I'm eighteen, legally an adult!"

"I thought the aim of the summer was to get a job to pay uni tuition." My mum reminded me, raising her eyebrow slightly.  "That should be the thing you should be focused on, not looking after someone else's kid-"

"He needs my help!" I pleaded, clasping my hands together. "Arabella needs a female in her life, those were Brad's words."

"I guess it's your decision, if you want to look after somebody else's kid because they're too lazy-"

"He's not lazy, he needs to work just like you do. He's trying to save for a house deposit as his dad doesn't like living with him and Arabella!" I defended. "Wouldn't you do the exact same thing?"

"I guess so." My mum said quietly. "It is sweet that you are helping, I'm just a little worried that's all."

"Worried about what?"

"You're eighteen." She repeated. "Surely, you should be out enjoying yourself by stuck indoors."

"I'm fine, and like I said over the phone Olivia and I aren't on good terms." I announced firmly. "I have nobody else apart from Brad and Arabella."

"Then it's alright by me." She finally confirmed, peering out of the window.

"Arabella will be over shortly, I promised Brad I would look after her whilst he goes to the studio-"

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