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My head felt crammed with thoughts as I opened the front door, after leaving Brad's. Stupidly, I already allowed myself to become completely attached to him despite knowing I could end up getting hurt

I couldn't get the thought he may be see if another girl behind my band - who was this 'Mils'? 

Is she a school friend?

Maybe one of Brad's ex's?

Could she be a family friend?

Possibly a cousin?

Or considering the worst, Arabella's mum?

I rested my head against the wall in pure exhaustion and jumped slightly when I heard a slight chuckle from beside me.

"This letter, addressed to you, has been siting here for the last two days." My dad informed me waving the envelope above his head.

"I know." I hummed, completely focused on working out who this mysterious girl was than listening to what he has to rant about. "I'll open it later or maybe tomorrow-"

"It looks very important, extremely important in fact." His eyes glared down at me, directly looking in my eyes as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"And it's private, so I'm thinking its from Wales university!" He exclaimed pressuring the envelope into one of my hands. I ran my fingers through my hair, taking deep breaths as I gazed at the font of writing - however, my mind was still thinking about Brad.

It sucked never having someone in your life who truly cared for you. But it even more sucks when you finally found someone who you can fully trust and thought cared equally back for you as you care for them to find out they're lying to you. To want so badly to be with them and be the person to love them, but now the chance may be ruined.

"Sienna!" He nudged my arm, knocking me out of my deep thoughts.

"Sorry, I was just thinking." I said truthfully as my fingers gripped the paper.

"Do you still want to go?" He mumbled, referring to university.

"Of course I do!" I smiled brightly. "To make you and mum proud-"

"Not for yourself?" He asked making my smile disappear. "At the beginning of summer, you were extremely excited to go but now since you properly got to know Brad you don't want to go."

"Your being ridiculous!" I laughed shaking my head in disbelief. "It's just nerves."

"Open the letter then!" He demanded strongly. Shakily, my hands teared open the envelope and unfolded the a4 piece of paper that was clearly addressed to me. My eyes scanned over the page, taking in every piece of information that had been written down personally for me.

"They want me to come next week." I announced quietly. "For a couple days, so I can attend taster classes."

"That's good, Noah will be there to guide you." He grinned from brim to brim.

"Yeah." I sighed deeply, carrying on reading the letter. "And term starts 10th September."

"That isn't too long!" He reminded me. "We'll have to arrange a time when you can organise your things, buy room decorations and furniture."

"What are you two blabbing about?" The familiar voice of my mum's called as she slowly wandered down the stairs, clutching dirty washing.

"Sienna got a letter for university, that she's only just opened after receiving the other day." My dad landed me in I, I frowned as my mums eye widened.

"Why didn't you open it straight away?" She questioned in frustration as she separated the washing colours.

"I don't know, it went to the Simpsons household instead so Brad brought it around and came in." I explained truthfully biting at my lower lip.

"I can see." She smirked, grasping hold of the t-shirt of Brad's I had 'stolen'.

"That's probably why she's not excited to go to uni, ever since he's waltzed himself into her life she's gone all weak at the knees." My dad commented - very opinionated.

"Is that true Sienna?"

"No!" I stomped my feet underneath me in embarrassment, before concealing my bright red cheeks with my hands.

"He's a nice boy but is he really for you?" She raised her eyebrow up slowly.

"He's the type to find another girl in an instant-" My dad commented. A grow ripped through my throat at the imagine of Brad and another girl, grabbing a piece of dirty washing I saw in my sights and hurled it in him direction. "And on that note, I'm leaving for work." He excused himself sharply, not exchanging a goodbye with neither of us.

"What's the matter?" She raised a perplexed eyebrow.

"Nothing!" I plopped myself down on the bottom step to untie the laces of my converses.

"Sienna, I gave birth to you over eighteen years ago spent almost every single day with you. I know when you're lying." She snorted.

"I don't want to talk about it!" I stated firmly.

"Okay fine, but when you do feel like talking I'll be in the kitchen." She announced with slight deject in her eyes. She then turned to enter the kitchen, however she stopped in her tracks and looked over her shoulder at me. "You do know we're only teasing about Brad, who knows he might be the right guy for you."

"I know." I rolled my eyes. "Maybe he is."

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