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"Brad, are you still awake?" I whispered as I quickly crept upstairs, not wanting to awake Arabella who I assumed was asleep. "I've come to say goodbye-"

"In here!" A voice called out quickly, leading me into the room we were sat together earlier on in the day.

"Isn't she sleeping?" I asked immediately, when I saw Brad crouched over a coat with the mobile moving in a circular motion above Arabella's head.

"Nope." He yawned before rubbing his eyes.

"She'll soon drift off." I reassured him, not sure what to do or say.

"Please go to sleep beautiful." He breathed out slowly, rubbing her hand with his finger. "I think it's because she can sense the tension."

"Say that again?" I spat out, furrowing my eyebrows together.

"She knows everyone is questioning her mother and that nobody knows the reason why she didn't want her." He said more clearly. "Imagine how it must feel knowing your mother didn't want you-"

"You'll just have to remind her there are many other people who love her dearly." I sighed as I watched Brad hopelessly trace around the room. "Why don't you take her out tomorrow? She's been stuck indoors for a couple of days now-"

"That's a good idea." Brad agreed easily. "I'm running out of nappies and formula for her milk, so I could take her down to the shops for an hour or two."

"That's exactly what you both need, go out and clear your heads." I said positively as I smile grew on my face.

"But I'm worried paps or even fans will bombard us, I want Arabella to have a normal life and not be afraid to go out." Suddenly, Brad's opinion to the idea changed as he peered out of the window. "It's bad enough people following my every moment."

"I'll come with you?" I offered. "So if fans do approach you, I can take Arabella away whilst you spend time with them."

"Would you really do that for me? Urm, us?" He stuttered unsure if I was being serious or not - I was serious.

"Yes!" I said slightly over excited. "What time? Do you want to drive or public transports?" I bombarded Brad with quick fire questions leaving him confused and annoyed.

"Urmm, 11oclock I'll drive us." He confirmed with a small smile as I beamed, taking this very important information in.

"That'a an arrangement then, I'll see you tomorrow." I cheesy grinned, reaching for the door handle.

"You don't suppose you want to watch a movie?" Brad questioned, just as I went to rejoin my parents downstairs.

"My parents are waiting for me to leave." I explained with a sign. "Maybe another time-"

"You only live next door, it's not like they need to walk you home and they know you're here with me." Brad persuaded me as he wandered over to a corner full of a selection of DVD's. "It's only 10, the movie will be finished before 12."

"Only if we watched a good movie, not a shit one." I giggled quietly.

"How does 21 jump street sound? I'm not really into chick flicks or love stories-"

"21 jump street is my absolute favourite." I confirmed as Brad smugly smiled.

"Mine too!" He said, placing the disc in the machine so the TV that was placed on the wall lit up.

"Will Arabella be able to sleep in here with the noise?" I asked anxiously, remembering that Brad was a father to a 3 month year old child.

"I'll ask mum to take care of her for the night, allowing us to have our privacy."

"Sounds like we are going to do something else then watch a movie." I snorted inappropriately whilst Brad smuggled his laughter by covering his mouth with his gigantic hands.

"I don't think James would be too impressed if we did." He playfully joked, carefully laying his hands underneath Arabella and gradually bringing her to his chest.

"Things would definitely be more awkward when I next see him." I said with an embarrassed laugh.

"Why would they be awkward already?" Brad asked before shouting down the staircase. "MUM! MUM!"

"The kiss." I said bluntly. "I don't know what to do next, I've never been in this situation."

"Just arrange to meet him." Brad said easily as footsteps were heard coming frantically up the stairs "James has lots of experience with relationships."

"What is it Bradley?" Anne burst in panicked, her rosy cheeks were an alarmed red and her eyes widen at the sight of Arabella.

"Could you possibly take care of Arabella tonight?" He asked with an angelic smile.

"I would love too!" She examined, suddenly taking her away from Brad then looking back at me. "Your parents are waiting, I think your mum needs a strong coffee before she goes to sleep-"

"Actually, I asked if Sienna could stay and watch a movie." Brad said nervously biting his lower lip. "Is that ok with you?"

"Absolutely fine!" She announced, however she didn't seemed to be paying much attention as she continued to giggle at Arabella, pinching her tiny nose. "I'll tell your parents for you, Sienna."

"Thank you Anne, I won't be here too long." I promised her as she raised her right eyebrow at the both of us.

"Just remember to stay safe." She said in a quiet voice before letting out  mischievous chuckle.

"GO!" Brad yelled, pointing towards his bedroom instructing his mum to leave before she said something else that would make Brad flush. Instantly, I sniggered at his behaviour watching him stressfully run his hand through his curls - in attempt to stay calm and not die of embarrassment.

"This movie then-" I reminded him as I sat on the edge of the bed, trying to make myself more comfortable.

"Come here!" He reached and patted the empty space beside him, amongst the pillows and blankets.

"Now don't do the old trick of secretly putting your arm around the back." I warned him, he winked and remained quiet as the movie began.

I couldn't help but smile.

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