44. Excruciation.

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**** Warning, this chapter will contain torture. It will be more descriptive than previous chapters, and I implore you to avoid this chapter if any sort of violence or pain will cause you discomfort. ****

So maybe I wasn't as prepared as I had hoped.

Nothing could have prepared me for this; not Bangtan's training, not my willpower, not even my high pain tolerance.

God, it was anything but enjoyable.

Still, I did my best to act as if nothing was wrong.

I couldn't let my act break now, not after how hard I had worked to perfect it.

This wasn't over, far from it.

"You know they say-" It was diffucult to speak, as I was hissing between gritted teeth, resisting the screams clawing at my throat as B-Free was giving me slow, precise, small cuts with a knife.

He had started with my hand, moving up my arms, down my chest, carelessly tearing at the fabric of my shirt. He spent time on my stomach, leaving very deliberately placed cuts all across my skin.

The fact that it was so ongoing made any consolation impossible. I'd rather have been stabbed repeatedly, because the small cuts may have hurt less in the initial pain, but it was a constant sting as he made his way back down my other arm, slicing the tender skin between my knuckles. It was neverending, and that made it so much worse.

I could feel the blood soaking into my shirt, dripping down to pool at my lap, where my legs had been cramped for hours, unable to so much as shift my position.

My tailbone was throbbing in pain, and my elbows dug into the rough arms of the chair, as I tried to move my arms away from his seething knife.

Somehow the blood managed to pour out in amounts that must have been a record, continuous and agonizing. I wondered how I was even still conscious at this point, there was so much blood.

Satisfied with his work, B-Free moved on to my legs, continuing the slow, agonizing process of miniscule cuts down my thighs. It was as if he was drawing out an elaborate design, perhaps making a connect-the-dots form on my skin.

I didn't appreciate his artistic vision.

My skin was trembling, my lip quivering, as I did my best to stare back into B-Free's cold gaze.

He probably couldn't even tell where I was looking at this point, as my eyes were less than slits, the angry skin swollen and burning.

"The use of a knife suggests that you have a desperate need for control."

He plunged the knife into my leg at my words, the blade completely disappearing into my tense flesh.

I couldn't make out his face through the hazy blur that had diminished my vision.

"Are you feeling out of control?" This last part was whispered between clenched teeth, and tears pricked my eyes.

They managed to make it through the swollen flesh, streaking down my face and sending waves of shocking pain as they got caught by the various gashes covering my cheeks.

B-Free had, not so graciously, forgotten to take off his rings before punching me.

I was feeling out of control.

His voice rang in my ears; even his voice sent shivers of fearful aches down my stiff spine at this point. I tried to distract myself by imagining the most painful ways to kill him.

"I know this is your way to cope. But don't worry, you won't have to find any more bad insults, because our next event is to die for. Oh you're gonna love it."

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