Got A Secret

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I kept touching my stomach. I couldn't help it. There was something growing inside of me. That's kind of a hard thing to forget. Jackie had looked it up and my baby can't be much bigger than a peanut. I have a little bean in my stomach and it's only going to get bigger.

"Hey kitten." Came a sleepy voice, Calum's arm dropping down on my chest. Startled, I turned to look at him. His eyes were still closed and he had a sleepy smile on his face. I turned on my side to look at him.

"Hey." Calum tugged on my shirt a little and I knew he wanted me closer to him so I scooted in. He wrapped his arm fully around my back and opened his eyes only long enough to kiss my forehead. "Calum." I whispered, touching my stomach.

"Hmm?" I had to tell him. It's his child too but.. I was too scared. I'm still in college. We're not married. What would our parents think? My brother? I was freaking out and I knew stress wasn't good for babies.

"I love you." I finally said. Calum opened his eyes fully, smiling.

"I love you too baby." Damn.. Baby. We have a baby. "I don't want to go to work." He murmured, staring into my eyes.

"I'm sorry but you have to go make that money." He smirked a little. Money.. We're going to need more of that. I have to get another job.

"So I can spend it all on you baby girl?" Calum kissed my cheek as he sat up, sliding out of bed without disturbing the sheets. I sat up to watch him as he got ready for work.

"Well not just me but other.. Things." Calum made a face at me, a mixture of confusion and amusement.

"Do we need groceries or something? I can go to the store on my way home from work." He paused, pulling his shirt off. "Damn, I sounded really fucking old just now." I laughed at him, getting out of bed and walking over as he started putting on an undershirt.

"It was cute but no, we don't need groceries. Well, maybe milk." I said, helping him do up the buttons for his work shirt as he he put it on.

"Okay, milk it is. Is something bothering you babe? You seem weird."

"Weird how?" I asked as he took some dress pants off their hanger. He shrugged, trying to find a belt.

"Just weird. I don't know."

"Well nothing's wrong." I said, which was the truth. Nothing was wrong. I should really tell him about our little peanut sized kid.

"Does your stomach hurt?" I dropped my hand from my stomach and tried not to look guilty.

"Uh, no. Cramps." Stupid, stupid, stupid.

"So I'll pick up ice cream too. Cookies and cream?" He was going to be such a good dad. "No, uh.. Chocolate . Maybe the one kind where there's candy in it or cookie dough." Calum made a face.

"I thought you hate when they put cookie dough into ice cream. You always complain that it's too solid."

"Well I'm willing to forgive the ice cream companies for such an atrocity." I replied lightly. Calum started to laugh as he finished changing. Walking over to me, he kissed my hair and then my lips quickly.

"I love you but you're so weird. I'll see you after work."

"I love you too." And we have a baby! But the words never came out and I waved goodbye a little as Calum walked out our bedroom door. Groaning, I flopped back down onto the bed. What the hell was wrong with me. I had been pregnant for maybe a month now and soon I would have a very noticeable bump.

I sat up, knowing there was no point in trying to go back to sleep. I didn't have to go to school for another five hours but, I was too wide awake now. I might as well clean up the apartment, or work on homework or something.

I took a quick shower to clear my head before I meticulously began applying makeup in the bathroom and checking to see if I had a baby bump every five minutes. I knew it wasn't going to happen with a snap of my fingers but.. God damnit there was a human in there. After folding my pajamas and placing them under one of the pillows of mine and Calum's bed, I headed to the kitchen. Time to feed myself and the baby.

After the initial shock of the pregnancy tests wore off, I began verbally tearing into myself, proclaiming to Jackie that I was already a horrible mother because of the poor quality of food I had been consuming in the past month. "Lily, you're over reacting. The most important thing here is that you didn't have alcohol. The baby won't like junk food but he'll tolerate it. You're fine." I felt a little nauseous after she mentioned alcohol. I don't have much taste for it to begin with but what if I had had a drink or two unknowingly. What then? Was my baby going to have health issues because I was a idiot who didn't know the signs of pregnancy?

After rummaging through the kitchen, I decided to make myself some eggs. That sounded healthy enough. Toast. Toast would be good too. As I set about making breakfast for myself, I began to imagine all the possible reactions Calum could have to hearing the news that I was pregnant.

Worst Case Scenario:

"You're.. you're what?" He would be shocked, maybe even a little crushed. He would finally have to settle with me. "You can't, not your senior year of college." There would be a long pause. "Well, you're going to have to get an abortion."

I did not like my worst case scenario. There was no way I was getting rid of this child. They were mine. They were Calum's. I've often dreamed of what our children might look like and just thinking about getting to see the little human finally made me a little giddy.

The Best Case Scenario:

"Pregnant!" He would scream to the heavens. "I'm calling my parents! I'm calling yours! Hell I'm going to get a damn billboard with our faces on it! Lily you're beautiful and I love you!" He would kiss me passionately before getting down on one knee and proposing. "Lets make more!"

The best case scenario was a little hilarious and it sounded almost similar to what might actually happen.

What Will Probably Happen:

Calum would smile and kiss me happily, his hand on my stomach. "Well, what are we gonna name the little bean sprout?" He'd propose to me not long after and then it would be the three of us forever. And whoever else we decided to bring into the world.

It was stupid to be nervous, as Jackie kept reminding me yesterday night. But she also said that I had a point. I was in college, we weren't married, my parents (well, my dad) would probably murder Calum the moment he found out I was knocked up. Calum had a stable job but we were about to drown in college debt, add a kid on top of that and the two of us were fucked.

While I was lost in thought, I nearly burned the eggs. I forced myself to concentrate on the food, resolving to continue to worry myself into oblivion when I finally sat down, which is exactly what happened.

How was I going to keep this secret? Calum should be the next person to find out. He might be mad that he wasn't the first. Well, he'd probably be mad because I didn't tell him right away too. So there was no way in hell that I could tell my brother, Lance, Mike or literally anyone else before I told Calum... Maybe I could make an exception for Ella. I sighed as I finished eating breakfast. All I knew was that I had to tell him soon. Calum and I would figure this out, together.

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