Rule Four!!!

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I had never been so angry before in my entire life. Calum seemed to realize this. "Babe.."

"Don't babe me!" I shouted. "I can't believe you Calum!" He squeezed his eyes shut tightly, running a hand through his hair. "You lied. You lied last night and I can't believe I let myself fall for it."

"I didn't want.." He murmured.

"No!" I exclaimed, stamping my foot. Maybe I was being irrational. Maybe I was being just a tiny bit crazy but I couldn't believe what an asshole Calum was.


"I'm gonna eat you!" Calum said menacingly to our little toddler who squealed and ran around the couch. "You can't hide from me!" He roared, a giant smile on his face.

"Momma! Momma help!" Carter pleaded as Calum grabbed him up. I wiped my hands on the dish cloth and headed into the living room where I found Calum holding Carter upside down by his legs, pretending to take a bite out of his leg.

"Calum, don't hold Carter like that." I scolded. Carter just laughed as Calum gently set him down on the couch. Carter rolled off it and bounced up as Calum put his arm around me.

"Hmm, maybe I should eat you instead." He murmured, kissing my jawline. I had been with him for years yet he still managed to surprise me with his sexual remarks. Calum kissed me heatedly but I could feel Carter tugging on my jeans.

"Don't eat momma!" He begged Calum. I bent down and picked Carter up, who squirmed a little in my grasp.

"Stop making dinner beautiful, we're gonna chow down on this tasty morsel instead." Calum said grabbing Carter's arm and trying to put it in his mouth. Carter squealed again and so I set him down as Calum chased after him again. How had I gotten so lucky? I had two amazing guys in my life. It couldn't get any better than this.


Lily thought all her troubles were behind her once she married Calum. They had a beautiful baby boy, they lived in a reasonably priced apartment that was right in between both of their places of work and Maria ran a daycare just up the block where Carter spent his days playing with his friends. Life couldn't get any better than this.

Except, the mundane life slowly becomes a routine that Calum and Lily succumb to. Both of them growing tired of the continuity and as the couple falls prey to early marriage disasters, there's only one thought on their minds, You should never marry young.

Ominous and scary isn't it? Haha anyways, that's just a snippet I wrote for the story. I've been really iffy about writing a Rule Four because I didn't want to draw out the story or make it any longer than necessary. But I should have known that I would fall in love with their child and want to write more about the bundle of joy.

So, with out further ado, Rule Four: Never Marry Young will be the fourth and F I N A L (and I mean final) installment of the Rules Series. It's been a crazy ride. I've loved reading all of your guys comments and hearing your suggestions and notes of encouragement.

This whole story is thanks to one of my best friends actually, who told me about this story idea she had and I immediately jotted it down and began to write. (This was in high school, sophomore year I think. Which is why there's so much cursing in that first chapter I had a real sailors mouth sophomore year). This series is my most read on Wattpad which I'm completely grateful for. I would have never imagined it would gain this much recognition when I first started writing it.

I don't just write fanfics though. I'm actually an aspiring author. I've written two original novels already and I've been constantly torn between posting them here on Wattpad and trying to find an agent who will get my book to a publishing company. I've always been afraid of people stealing my ideas and Wattpad isn't technically a free-for-all, I know people who have gotten their stories stolen. And if I ever do get one of my original works published, you all will be the first to know!!

Anyways, back to Rule Four 😂 I will post the About so you guys can put the story I your reading lists or in your library. There's more information in their about the story itself and when I will start posting. I'll see you all soon!


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