12| A Deal

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The Heart wants what it wants
- Selena Gomez



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I licked my lips and spoke, the palms of my hands becoming moist. "The truth is that...Cyrus-.."

"-Is unforgivably late. I'm terribly sorry." Came a deep and familiar voice.

My eyes widened and I shifted my gaze from my plate, my lips parting as Cyrus stood in the doorway, his eyes shining with a firm and relaxed look and his lips were pulled into a big, long, devilishly handsome smirk.

"I had some business to attend. My apologies." He added.

Cyrus made his way towards us, his posture as straight as a ruler with a hand that was tucked neatly in his trouser pocket, whilst the other perfectly swung by his side like pendulum swing.

His eyes caught onto mine and neither of us dared to break the stare.

My eyes were filled with anger and utter confusion.

Yet they were also filled with gratitude and joy.

He came through in the end and the thought cause my heart to skip a beat.

He pushed away his bruised ego and he actually came to help me escape from the very deep hole that I had dug myself.

Cyrus's eyes burned into the side of my head as I faced the front, taking a nervous sip of water as I attempted to distance myself from the devil that wouldn't stop staring.

"Cyrus, my boy, it's lovely to see you again-especially under such circumstances." My father smiled, his eyes filled with a look of awe.

Cyrus let out a chuckle, his dark orbs lighting up as he threw his head back and a series of chuckles escaped his lips.

"Mrs. White, It's lovely to finally meet you. I can certainty tell where Lacy gets her looks from." Cyrus finished.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at his compliment.

"Cyrus, my darling, please take a seat. I'm so glad that my daughter has finally chosen to date. I am also very much pleased that it's a man as dashingly well spoken as yourself." My mother praised him and I could practically sense his ego rising.

What was once a smirk had morphed into the proud and arrogant kind and he didn't hide it from appearing on his chiseled face.

"Now tell me..how did you two meet? I want all the details." My mother beamed and I felt myself regret ever asking Cyrus for help.

"Well. I was walking back from
my office to my car and I was admiring the setting around me- until I bumped into someone." He stopped speaking instantly and I felt my heart rate begin to gradually speed up.

It took everything in me not to look up and meet his burning gaze.

I had no restraint, and so my eyes trailed up from my plate only to be met with those enticing eyes that I found myself getting lost in, every so often.

"I fell to the ground-as mad as ever and I was getting ready to bite off their head-.." This caused a string of laughter to escape from my parents lips as they listened in closely. I, myself, finding an urge to listen to how he saw our meeting through his eyes.

"And then I looked up and-well. I was rendered speechless. The girl before me..she was beautiful. She had this glow to her. It was an aura so perfect and this smile that brightened up our surroundings and these big brown eyes that held this glimmering spark. She was an angel and I found myself falling for her as each second passed." He finished and my eyes were now back to being as wide as saucepans.

The Devil's Angel [#1] | ✓ Where stories live. Discover now