BONUS CHAPTER : 25 Years Later .

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Author Note: After receiving so much positivity and really really nice comments that honestly made me smile, here's a bonus chapter as a wee present from myself to all you lovely people. I really do appreciate the comments and I thank you all very much...enjoy :)


I COULDN'T ASK for a better life than the one I'd been blessed with now. I had an amazing but very protective husband who loved me with everything in him and my gorgeous boy, Colton, who'd grown into this striking and driven man.

Colton certainly did take after his father in many ways. For one, Colton looked like an exact replica of his father, the one acceptation being his cheekbones and jawline which he's inherited from me.

Colton was a very stubborn man. He was hard working too, like his father, and I soon realised-much to my horror that he was very popular with the ladies. I almost fainted when I heard Cyrus praising his son on the matter.

The scolding that came next caused Colton to simply smirk. That was when I knew for certain that he'd surely follow in his father's footsteps. It was that devilish smirk which I'd recalled seeing on Cyrus's face years ago. It was that very smirk that had me weak at the knees and it was that very grin that I loved.

Flicking through the daily issue of some magazine I'd received through the mail, I dragged my finger across the page and began to unconsciously hum to myself. The habit of mine that I had gradually acquired came to a sudden halt when the sound of a door slamming caught my attention.

"You can't control everything in my life, dad!" A withered grin was now strung across my lips as I placed the magazine onto the marble counter before me and continued to listen in on the argument between father and daughter.

My daughter was another blessing to my life. A few years after Colton's birth, Evangeline Knight was born-Angel to be short. Cyrus had chosen the name the very moment he stared into his hazel eyes and shed a tear. I'd always remember that very moment, witnessing the time that a man who caused many to shake in his mere presence; cry at the sight of a baby.

That was when I knew that our daughter would always be looked after and treated like a princess. I do admit, maybe she was a bit too looked after in the sense that she had two dominant males that oozed masculinity, breathing down her neck twenty-four hours a day. That was no exaggeration.

"Angel-darling, you stay away from that punk, you hear me! You do as I say or else-..."

"Or else what?!" Angel replied in a tone that I'm sure had Cyrus's brow raising in anger. But no harm would come to Angel for I knew Cyrus could become putty in our daughters hands in seconds. She was his little girl. And he'd kill anyone who dared to make her even frown.

An aggregated cry left Angel's lips and I could hear the way she stormed down the stairs, Cyrus hot on her heels. I counted down the moments until they'd both arrive into the kitchen, ready to involve me in their little spat.






"Mom!" My daughter cried out. I smiled widely on seeing the beautiful young woman cross the threshold of the kitchen door, her eyes blazing with anger. I'd seen that look many years ago too in Cyrus's and the image caused my grin to widen.

The next to enter the kitchen was the man who had my heart completely. My Cyrus stay true to his words and loved me more and more every single day. He practically worshipped the ground I walked on and treated me as though I was a queen. His queen.

"Darling." He cooed and I knew what that seductive laced tone had meant. The devil was going to try and flirt his way into getting me to side with him. Lucky for me, he'd used this card before. It was useless on trying to use it now.

Crossing my arms over my chest, my brows rose and the tip of my lip curved upwards. I was ready to hear anything, but I knew who's side I'd been in favour of. After all, girls had to stick together.

"Darling." Cyrus repeated, rounding the counter and reaching out to wind his arms around my waist. Staring into his dark eyes, I looked my arms around his neck and tilted my head to the side. After so many years, Cyrus still looked as handsome as the day I met him.

"Tell her that she can't see that boy, anymore." I narrowed my eyes and soon they traveled to linger upon Angel's pleading features. I subtly winked her way and watched as her frown vanished in seconds.

"Sweetheart, she's a young woman now. Let her make her decisions for herself." Annoyance flashed through Cyrus's eyes. "If you don't loosen the hold you have on her every once in a while, it will not turn out well!" My voice was both soft and gentle and I could see the turmoils turning in his head.

Just like my daughter, Cyrus could become putty in my heads in seconds-milliseconds, even. Just as Cyrus was about to give in, the slamming of the door boomed through the halls of the house.

Slamming doors must be another trait passed between the three, I thought to myself as I grinned at the presence of my son. Storming into the kitchen like a man on a mission, his dark eyes swept across the room until they landed on Evangeline.

"You!" He barked and his hands fisted at his sides. He aggressively brushed a hand through his jet black locks and his tanned nose scrunched up in anger-it was a habit he'd obtained from me. "You are not to see Ashton ever again!" Angel's grin disappeared once again and she was back to throwing her arms in the air and moaning about why she was cursed with guard dogs rather than a brother and a father.

Watching the scene unfold; My two grown up children bickering like young kids and my husband's arms slinked around me, I knew that I was in fact the luckiest woman in the world. I was at my happiest and I prayed for nothing to snatch such a feeling from me. I was surely going to cling onto it with everything in me. I was sure of it.

I shifted my gaze to Cyrus who I found was already gazing down at me with loving eyes and a smile that I adored and the noise of our children's shouting faded away into the background.

My fingers brushed down the side of his gorgeous face and I couldn't help but grin as he pulled me closer to him. "I truly love you, you bloody devil." I told him with a gentle laugh and leaned in to press a soft kiss onto his lips.

His reaction was always the same-his grin widened and his eyes softened and his hold on me tightened. "I love you too, you bloody angel."


Hope you enjoyed this bonus chapter, that looked into the future of Lacy and Cyrus!

! I M P O R T A N T !

Now, during the creation of this chapter, something came to mind and I thought it would be best to consult you guys!

How would you feel about. . . a sequel? ;)

Now, obviously, the story of Lacy and Cyrus has been told, so what do you think about a story of Colton's life or Evangeline's/Angel's? (The children of Lacy and Cyrus) Now, this is where I need you guys to help me. I'm giving you the opportunity to decide which story you would like to see be brought to life!

The story of the womanising devil, Colton Knight meeting his fiery match?


The innocent Evangeline's attempts at love under the suffocating grips of two overly-protective men?

Let me know and maybe I just might write this sequel, whatever plot gets the most requests will become the sequel ! :)

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