24| Blackmail

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What does is matter how many lover you have, if none of them gave you the universe
- Jacques Lacan

T W E N T Y - F O U R


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WATCHING HER LEAVE tore me into pieces. It broke me to the point where a tear had escaped my eye.

Wiping it away, I made my way to the bar in the corner of my office and roughly handled a glass bottle.

Grabbing a glass, I poured in the strongest drink I owned: my plan being to drink my sorrows away to distract me from the problems that arose in my life.

I didn't want to marry Karen-not in a million years. I had always planned to back to Lacy when the time was right but for the time being; help Karen through the pregnancy as well as give the baby whatever it needed.

That all crumbled into dust when Karen decided to use blackmail.

If it where just me alone that she was threatening, I'd of taken it on the chest and dealt with it. But she decided to use the one person who affected me most-in every way


The deal was if I didn't marry Karen. Then she would make it her life's mission to constantly destroy Lacy's life.

My mind wandered back to when the blackmailing had first begun.

I was sitting in my office, ducking through each and every paper whilst chugging down a glass of whisky as I felt a wave of stress run through me.

Rubbing a hand over my face, my tired eyes searched my desk, soon coming across a framed photograph that sat beside my computer.

It was a picture of Lacy and I.

Leaning forward, I reached for the frame, holding it in front of me as my finger traced over the picture.

The phone began to ring, dragging me from my thoughts.

Sighing deeply, I picked up my phone, muttering a stiff 'hello' into the microphone.

"Cyrus." Came her sickening voice, her tone was vindictive and sour.

"What do you want Karen?" I questioned tiredly, running a hand over my tired face.

"Marry me." She stated and I rolled my eyes at her ludicrous words.

It wasn't the first time she'd asked me. "I'm not marrying you. I'm only with you because of the baby!" I roared, annoyed with her incisive pleads to get married.

"Oh sweetie, do you think that you actually have a choice?" She started, confusing me immensely.

"What are you saying?" I questioned, standing up from my sitting position, my brows furrowing as my mind raced with thoughts.

"Your little angel is working right now. Am I correct?" She stated as I looked at my watch.

"..Yes." I answered confusedly, my heart racing as she mention Lacy.

"Wouldn't it be a shame if-oh I don't know...something were to happen to her boutique. A fire, maybe." She stated and it felt as if my whole word had stopped.

"You crazy b*tch! What the f*ck do you want?" I shouted as she laughed uncontrollably, her amused giggled angering me even more.

"I told you what I want. Marriage." She stated as I smacked my hand against my desk.

"I'm not marrying you. Get that through your thick skull." I spat.

"I have eyes on her, Cyrus. If you don't comply, all it takes is one word and she's permanently out of your life." She laughed and I shook my head in rage.

"Do you know how long it took to oil the shop down. I'm surprised she hasn't noticed yet." The teasing tone of her voice did nothing more but anger me.

"No, don't-don't do anything." I shouted frantically, my heart racing as I desperately pleaded her not to.

"You know what you have to say to stop me." She giggled as my chest rose up and down in anger.




"Yes! I'll do it." I hoarsely shouted, my fingers gripping the phone tightly as I waited for a response.


"See you at home, baby." She laughed before ending the call, leaving me utterly dumbfounded at what had just happened.

Every time I thought of what happened that day, my blood begins to boil.

I wanted to be with Lacy so bad. I needed to be with her.

My heart yearned for her-as did the rest of me.

But with Karen causing all of these problems, I'd never get to be with Lacy.

Picking up my phone, I dialed Ace's number.

After three rings, he picked up.
"You have some nerve calling me up after what you said to Lacy. How dare you, you piece of sh-.."

"Karen threatened me her life." I cut him off, falling back into my chair.

"What?" Ace confusedly replied, the tone in his voice settling at a much angrier level.

"I'm being blackmailed-by Karen." I stated as I waited for him to speak up.

"You sure know how to pick them." Ace muttered. "Crazy b*tch." He added.

"You need to tell, Lacy." Ace stated and I shook my head even though the action would not be seen.

"No." I stared, disagreeing with his words.

"Why the hell not? She deserves to know." Ace replied, his voice raising.

"Because if she knows then she won't be worried or broken and if she's not worried or broken then Karen will know that she found out. I can't risk Lacy's life. I won't do it." I stated and the line went silent.

"You're right. Do what you have to do. Get the best team of lawyers money can buy and get rid of that insane women." Ace replied.

A moment had passed and I felt my chest burn. "Take care of her for me."

"I will." And the line went dead.

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