Chapter 4

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Picture of Uncle Flores

Song to the side

The next day I threw my crunches outside of the tent limping my way over and kicking them, "Rual stop!" I hear Nurse Mareuo yell. I ignore her protest kicking the crunches again, seeing them breaking then feeling Mareuo trying to grab both of my arms, yanking away from her grip.

Taking another swing from the flask that I stole from the Sergeants tent, I stumble my way facing her, "Don't fucking touch me, I'm not about to let Fischer humiliate me." My eyes sting from the lack of sleep I haven't had in weeks. I can see the frightening eyes in Mareuo's eyes as I step forward trying to apologize, but instead she backs away heading inside of the tent.

Planting myself down in the dirt I throw the flask on the ground, covering my ears from the unstoppable badness. I sigh when I spot Sebastian sit besides me and putting his hand on my shoulder, "When I first arrived my reflection of the world changed Rual, if you want to talk, come to me. I know how it feels not to have family, my family is gone and I'm the only live one." Looking at Sebastian I hug him tightly sobbingly, into his shoulder gripping his jacket tightly.

Pulling away I wipe the sinful tears away sniffing my nose, "Thanks Sebastian, I appreciate your help." I glance to him, seeing him grin sheepishly then messing with his brown short hair as he rests his hand on mines. When I get to his neck, the both of us was only a few inches from another.

I clear my throat pulling my hand away, "Thanks for the pep talk Sebastian, see you tomorrow." I get up from the dirt going back to the tents to reconcile with Mareuo. I didn't want to her to hate me or for the both of us to never talk again.

Limping inside I see Mareuo bandaging a man's leg, walking over I rest a hand on her shoulder instead she yanks her shoulder then going to the man's head and wrapping a bandage around it.

"Mareuo, listen I'm sorry. I never meant for you to see that side of me." I try to explain to her, but she grabs my arm pulling me outside of the tent once again. Mareuo taps her foot with her arms a crossed as she purses her lips awaiting an answer from me, "The problem wasn't that you snapped at me Rual, but you had pure violence in your eyes. Not the violence in these men, but a cold blood vengeance." I nod as I rest both of my hands on her cheeks carefully feeling my hands shake almost.

"I would never hurt you--I promised myself to never hurt anyone I care for." She sighs resting her hand upon mines grabbing it then giving it a kiss as she presses my hand in her cheek again. I peck her forehead gently then held her close to me, "My son is twelve...he lives in Paris with my father." She informs with a small chuckle then taking a step back as she walks back inside of the tent.

          Two Days Later

I was able to go back into the trenches with the other men and finally help end this war soon, but everyday if felt heavier and heavier just to do this. It wasn't easy to make it through here, while you make a friend then loose them because of the war.

Planting myself on a wooden board, I wiped the sticky mud off of my face after I had to help a few British with spreading the food out to the other's. I can hear the bullets blazing again, now use to the noise that now feels nonexistent to me.

Putting the bowl down I see Sebastian yelling something to me, but because of the amunition from our side I couldn't make out his words. Lifting myself off of the board pointing to my ears, I see him running towards me then tackling me before I can react.

I groan when we both land on the ground then hearing him whisper, "Well this is an enjoyable position." Opening my eyes I chuckle at the sight when we were both looking at the clear sky; for the first time the sky was clear and I can finally see the astonishing baby blue coverage.

I look over at Sebastian watching his eyes light up as I grin to myself at the site, I never met a person that held so much joy despite the pain they have been through, "Are my eyes that gorgeous to stare at?" He smirks jokingly then sits up.

I get up as well when I see notice wooden splinters spread on the other side of the dirt wall, "I tried to warn you." He rubs the back of his neck; giving my a sideways grin

Sitting back down on the board I rub my tired eyes exhaustively; along with the restless sleeping, I couldn't get the thoughts out of my head, they stuck there like glue and annoyed me to death until insomnia woke me.

"When I was a kid, my uncle told me a story about two people that kind of fell for one another-" Sebastian glances from me then to his shoes while he tried to get some dirt out of them lowering my voice creepier I continued, "-The lady fell in love with a noblemam man and gave birth to three kids, but when she wanted to mary. The man became upset because he wanted to marry first not have kids first, so he left and married another woman. The lady went to a river and drowned her kids--then drowned herself from grief, so every night...she weeps for kids by the river."

Sebastian rose the both of his eyebrows then made a disgusted face, "Your Uncle...has a weird way with childhood stories." He states with a snicker, getting up from the board to go back to his post.

Going back to my post a man bumps into my shoulder roughly saying, "Watch where your going wetback." Clenching my fist slowly I try to ignore the remark quickening my pace in the process, "What's wrong wetback? Don't speak-o english?" Turning to face him, I bite the inside of my cheek then shake my head deciding against it.

"Hey, wetback! How about you go back to Mex-i-co" I stop on my tracks trying to ignore him the best that I could, "That's what I fucking thought, go cut my lawn." I continue to walk briskly when feeling my fist clench tightly.

Taking a deep breath I remember what my Tio Flores will lecture, "There's always going to be hate in people's hearts when they don't understand, but don't let that stop you from working your ass off, and showing them that Mexicano's or any other culture are worth more than they're pinche (fucking) stereotypes."

When I arrive at my post, I take my rifle out looking through the glass enhancer and bearing the gun in my left hand, "See anything private?" The Sergeant asks curiously, shaking my head 'No' then hearing him curse under his breathe, but it was a different language I didn't recognize.

The day I shot my first kill in the head, they asked me to be one of the  rifleman because of my ace shooting skills I learned back at home also during my short time with training; the first kill was the hardest, my hands were trembling nonstop,  I even threw up the food I ate that day, and I couldn't bring myself to send letters back to my family after what I have done.  

A surge of shame washed over me when that happened, but that was weeks ago and there's no use in grieving over something that long ago, only to move on and forget about the German I shot a bullet straight to the head. 

Laying on my stomach I close one eye leaving the other for the scope. After two hours I close my eyes just to rest them a bit, I recall when Sebastian told me I can always come to him to talk, but the smell of his jacket made me want to-to pull him closer to me. The pleasure of his smell clouding my nose left me wanting hi-what the hell!? Just stop. 

Snapping my eyes open, I pant lowly from the thoughts about Sebastian knowing this is just the memories talking. Most likely missing the smell of being back home with Tio and Tia.

However, it left me feeling this sense of high just remembering the way Sebastian's jacket smelled. I couldn't get the thoughts of away of us being as close as we were before, that maybe I do miss being home and this is my way of trying to cope with it probably.

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