Chapter 8

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Picture of Walker


A few days after are talking, everything went back to normal. We met a few more new soldiers here and there, and a new guy that I came to dislike, his name being: Connor Parker.

Once he arrived Sebastian Agar insisted to have Connor show him the ropes, I tried to convince the Lt it will a bad seeing that Sebastian is to young and has only been here for two years. However, Lt. Fischer decided against me, letting Sebastian go under his wings while they both hung out together like a couple.

Then he had the audacity to bring that Newbie to eat at our favorite spot, I had to leave without having to strangle that asshole.

While counting the ammunition I notice Sebastian and Connor talking exclusively; the both of them laughing also telling jokes here and there.

Slamming down the box of ammunition I storm out of the area, needing to clear my head before I do something irrational.

Seeing the racist bastard that I bumped into a few weeks ago, I try to make a rough turn but instead heard my name slip out of his mouth. "Where do you think your going wetback-" Biting the inside of my cheek I turn to face having the both of my fist clenching tightly.

"I don't have time for this, fuck off Howard." Turning around one of his pals beat me to it. I can feel blood bleaching through my knuckles from the amount of anger I'm feeling, I wanted badly to punch him in the throat and break his fucking arm.

"-Your not leaving until I tell too, got that you. Around here you just do-" It all went black, I couldn't remember how it was possible. It was like my entire memories swept through, I could not remember how I ended up being pulled from Walker and Sebastian.

Everybody's eyes were widely glancing from the bloody knuckles to the two men, and Howard. Wondering how they ended up on the ground along with being badly injured.

The voices around me echoed painfully silent, my hands were shaking and I intensely stared at my cut blooded knuckles. Shaking my head, Sebastian tried to hold me still, but I ran before the Lt. can arrive to the scene.

Going where we get some pumped out, I ran to where a few cups laid around swiftly grabbing a cup and pouring it on my knuckles. Shaking my head the pouring memories came back to, "I'm not my father, I didn't do that." I mutter to myself while pouring the leftover of water onto my knuckles, wincing from the burning sensation.

"Rual, whatever you are is not your fault." Glancing to Sebastian I see Walker following behind, but then came Connor. I frowned when Connor appeared and I shaked my head.

"It is...I didn't mean to hurt-" I yell throwing the cups hearing a few smashing in the process, "I just got so angry, I couldn't stand the thought of that. I-I don't want to be my father Sebastian, I don't want to hurt anyone." Sebastian pulls me into a hug, panting heavily the memories came crashing.

I felt like I was drowning, the air inside of me was being sucked out and I was trying to fight for air. I kept trying to pull away yelling out apologizes, I can see the Lt. sympathetically looking at me as he jabs a shot into my arm.

Blinking my eyes towards the sky, the clouds came to form into utter darkness. It was like someone gave the clouds a squeeze, because the last thing I remebered was it raining thunderously.

The next I hear the droplets splattering on the half made wooden floor, glancing around cautiously I notice I'm in the Lt's room. Getting up halfway I tried to remembered what happened yesterday or a few hours ago, but I couldn't find any trace of memories.

Hearing footsteps nearing the door, I watch the doorknob turn, then came in the Lt. I get up quickly, dusting off the first from my back and laps and state, "Sir I apologize for the outburst, if...if you wish to send me back I-I will understand." My tone was filled with regret and trying to sound apologetic.

The Lt sighs resting a hand on my shoulder then giving it a squeeze, "You have nothing to be sorry for-" For the first the Lt glances away and goes to take a seat in his chair. Trailing my eyes behind him I was about to explain again, but he cuts me off and continues, "-My...father was an abusive man. After mother left, he had nothin' left to do, but burn cigarette buds on me for five years straight." He clears his throat and takes our a cigar and lights it up.

Glaring at my hands I shake my hand wishing I could've not done what I have done, "I done what you have done. That's why I'm going go send you packing in two month's, I know your family needs the money." Rolling my eyes at his favor, that I believe is complete trash I walk over slamming hands down on the desk.

"Don't do me any fucking favors Lt. Fischer, I may not fight back but I'm not a push over either." Storming out of the room I can the Lt. yelling for me to return. I was not going to accept a favor out of pity, I rather pack my bags with dignity, then none at.

Seeing that it was time to eat, deciding to go to sleeping corders the door halfway closed. Stepping closer I can hear whispers then kissing sounds, opening the door fully, Walker and Connor part ways quickly from one another.

We stared at each other for moment before Connor broke the tension that was starting to choke us with questions, "Guerrero please don't fucking say nothing, I swear on my mother's grave I'll pay whatever you want." The thick New York accent filled my ears, smiling mentally.

"No, no Parker. I'm won't say nada (nothing)" I gave him my reassurance, then averted my eyes towards Walker who was watching with an intense scare. Walking over to him I patted on the shoulder, "You have my word Walker, we're friends. And I swear on my life." Walker grins sheepishly going to Parker and pecking him on the lips then the both of them hugging.

Going back outside I see Sebastian grabbing his food and eating, I watch him imaging what if I didn't like to him. That I only see him as a friend only thing, but I enjoy that are friendship is neutral. If only I didn't get pissed off whenever he's trying to flirt on purpose.

Grabbing my own bowl I food I take a seat across from him and said, "Thank you Sebastian-" He glances up with a shy smile and punches my arm lightly, sighing from his touch I glance around seeing everyone's busy with their jobs.

Reaching over I grab his free hand into mines and gave it a squeeze, "-One day, I'll find a way to repay you back for everything you have done." He watches me wryly, but eventually squeezes back too. I start to take notice how nicely blue his are and the way he's a generally flexible person that I have met.

Removing my hand I can feel the sting against his fingertips, I wanted to leave my hand there longer, but we were in public and I wasn't ready to amit to what I'm feeling, not yet anyways.


                Hope you enjoyed the chapter, and have awesome Thanksgiving diner. For those who are celebrate Thanksgiving :)

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