Chapter 5

15 1 1

Picture Sebastian


Feeling my eyes beginning to droop, I see a small group of people entering the woods, looking to my left I signal Walker a whistle then gesturing my hand towards the unsilent trench that is only feets across from the rest of us.

Walker nods as he mouths that he'll keep watch while I tell the Lt. Crawling my way down carefully. Getting up I brush the dirt out of my my face to see better after laying there for a fee hours.

Seeing the Lt. helping a few soldiers barbwire the top layer for a better coverage, I run over and said, "They're heading to the woods." I inform the Lt.

We make are way back to are grounds as Walker directs Lt. Fischer where the men went. "Well shit--we're gonna have to send some of-a men." Lt. Fischer rubs his chin unconsciousl. Walker and I both look at one another, but then I see Walker grin and mentions, "We should send some hunters boss, some of us country folks know how to hunt, out in those woods." We both see Lt. give off his signature witty grin and nods in agreement.

Walker goes to gather a few men he knows that hunted where he lived, looking through the scope seeing a few more men going through the thin woods I squint my eyes through the darkness to see a three to four figures shuffling through the woods. I brush back my brown hair as I lower the gun my eyes widening slightly as I pieced together why they have been utter a word for the past few days.

Crawling back down I look over to the Lt. as he gives me a look to explain what's going, before I can explain Walker comes over with a few men, glancing at the men I notice Sebastian is with them. Walking over angrily I grab Sebastian arm swiftly dragging him a foot away from the group, hearing Sebastian complaining to release his arm turning to face him I yell, "You better be fucking with me if you are going with them?" My voice with anger and frustration as I didn't want him to do this, it will most likely get him killed in the process and I want to prevent from that happening.

"Nothing will happen, they mentioned they will need a tracker so I'm going-" Sebastian steps close to me as he holds my arm tightly, we held each others arm tightly giving a knowledgeable look to one another that everything will be fine, "-You know I will be fine, I promise I will be." Sebastian gives me his uplifting grin and returns to the group. I watch him leave as I know what's my job.

Returning back to the Lt, I explain to him and the group what I have been noticing for the past few days and surprisingly Walker and an Viejo (older man) also notice it, but they assumed it was nothing until now.

I pace unceasingly, wanting them to come back as soon as possible grabbing my rifle that hangs around my back laying back down on the ground I look through scope as I sigh having worry thoughts swimming around annoyingly. The thought of Sebastian being out there was driving me crazy, I wanted him to stay here even though it's a very slim chance of him staying alive here as well.

After what seems a few minutes I hear foot prints from behind, digging my hand into my jackets inside pocket I pull a dagger. Turning around I swift my from under theirs hearing them groan as I get on top and held the dagger to their throat, "Get the hella off of me." Squinting my eyes I sigh embarrassingly as I stumble up grabbing Lt hand and pulling him up, "Apologize si-" Lt waves me off as he laid a few inches from me with his own gun.

Laying back down and I look over at the Lt wanting to excuse my action, but I get the feeling it won't hear me out and will probably have a jackass response. It was silence for awhile and it made me nervous to think that maybe they got captured or worse they possibly got lost an-, "For fuck sake mam-" Derailing from my train of thoughts I look over at Lt with confusion of what's wrong, "-Stop kickin' or doing some weird fuckin movements with your feet already, your passin' your nervousness to me." I laugh at his expression, never seeing the Lt getting annoyed over some leg flopping movement.

Finally we see the group progressing to where they be keeping their box I shuffle closer to my scope spotting that they are fine, sighing lowly out of relief I smile happily, but then I hear Lt. Fischer comment, "You guy's must be good friends to be close. Look son...I know you been talking to those nurses, but a few of them women are headin' back to Paris with their families. Especially the one you have grown fond of." Glancing over to the Lt I shake my head not wanting to believe the news.

Before I can respond we both start to hear rapid shooting, looking back into the scope I see soldiers shooting into the forest, "Motherfuckers." I yell angrily letting my finger press on the trigger, the anger possessing me as I shot another bullet into a soldiers chest for the second time then doing the same to a soldier that was behind him. We both tried to shoot what we can see in the dark while we tried to keep track of the group descending back into the forest, we can hear them nearing as Lt. orders me to continue to distract them.

The other side started to fire back as several more soldiers came to assist us, crawling out from the my expose area I carefully cover behind the mudded wall as I see the men returning, but I noticed the Viejo was not with them and they had blood heavily covering them. Lowering my head down in shame, they go to their positons to assist in the shooting all night.

Sebastian walked passed me emtionlessly, going to the back where the food is at while he helped several men put it into a storage. The dwelling of when I arrived haunted me again, the thought of wanting to be 'The Man' made me realized for the first time that this war doesn't make anyone anything, only creating a monster inside of us and to make us believe we are actually the sane one's in this world.

For the past several days Sebastian didn't eat his food or played his usual card games with the other's or tried to convince Walker to take him to the country side when this war is. He seemed different and the other's did as well, they had this emptiness inside of them. I wanted to help, so I went to see the Nurse, and she explained to me she has seen it in many men that have either witness true ugliness in the war or they lost someone dear to them.

I tried to talk to Walker, but he brushed me off and left to do his usual assignments for the day, I went to the other men but they did the same as well. Going to my last resort I knock on Lt's door, seeing him sigh as if he knew what I was going to ask him, allowing me to pass through I take a seat on the wooden chair, "I know your concerns for Private Agar are on good terms, but take my word for it-" Lt sits down as he rubs his hands together then crosses them nervously, "-You don't want to know...even I don't know the full story Guerrero.  Let Walker and Sebastian tell you in their own time. "

I tried to do my daily rounds of cleaning, packing the food up, giving the food out, and the continious shooting of bloodshed. I just wanted to see Sebastian be his regular self, but I can hear my Uncle telling me and Micah, "If you ever see a man return from war with a look of despair or horror in his eyes. It means, this man has seen how ugly we humans can be. I have read and seen many things ninos (children), and humanity has done a lot of ugly throughout history. And they will continue to do it because us humans have this inside of us, no matter how hard we try to do the right thing we committ horrible sins."

He was right and wrong about his statement, but at the moment I can already hear him when I send him my next letter tomorrow that he was right all long. My Tio was the type that always wants to be right while my Tia is always trying to mess with his philosical story's about life and being smartass with him.

After a few days I finally caught up to  him, the right timing when I noticed it was his turn to rest and I saw him getting ready to sleep as I was about to do the same too. Getting off of the uncomfortable bed I walked over and gave him a tight hug, "I'm sorry Sebastian, I understand if you don't want to tell me, but I am here for you just like you are for me" Pulling away to look at Sebastian he stares at tbe wall, but then pulls me into a hug.

The tears stained through my shirt while he tugged me close to me, I hesitantly hug him back, caressing his light brown hair gently. He clungs on for a few more moments until he lets go leaving a small space between us as he looks into my eyes; his eyes were red, skin completely pale, and his body shaking from the heavy sobs made me realize that even though he won't tell me, he will allow me to see him weak for the first time.


                                           I hoped you enoyed the book, and please Vote and Comment.

                         Have a great Thanksgiving Break :)

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