Chapter 7 (Part 2)

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Picture of Lt. Fischer


Slipping the letter back into my pocket, I laid down for a moment. Deciding to pitty myself in self indulging tears or to get up and continue to work; I really want to pick self indulgement, but a little annoying voice inside is tell me to get up to continue the work in these trenches: fuck you-you little voice.

Taking a nice easy deep breather I drag myself off of the bed, going outside where the bullets continue to wave past us, while we return with the same fuck you's as well.

I got assigned to go help serve the food, luckily Walker was there and I tried to ask if he seen Sebastian, but he hasn't seen. Sighing to myself mentally I give one of the men their soups, "Walker, you think if we make it out of this war. I can get one of your crazy cousins apple pies?" I asks.

Walker chuckles, patting my back roughly then giving a few men their soups and replied, "Of course, as long if your Aunt can bring some Tamales. You talk a-bout them so much, you might as well bring some over." I laugh at his exciting tone, giving a reassuring nod to him.

"You got yourself a deal." I give him a pat on the back, serving two more men as I take a seat at my usual spot to eat. Walker takes a seat too, but after a few minutes Sebastian doesn't arrive, I sigh anxiously wanting this grudge he has against me to piss off.

Drinking only three juice I push away the leftover chicken, "Whatever is going on between you and Agar, talk it through. You guy's are the only people that aren't complete jackassess. Trust me, there's no time to be angry, we can die any day and doin' this is pointless."

Walker grabs my bowl dumping the chicken in his bowl and walking away, "Walker I was eating that!" I yell, but he waves me off, sitting down with another group of men. I roll my eyes storming away with a pissed of mood and a empty stomach.

After Walker telling me off, I went to go clean the guns, but somehow I managed to miss count them and almost accidently shooting Lt. Fischer. He almost punched me, but instead cussed me out all the way to his office until we arrived and forced me to sit down while he paced around the room blabbering around the mistakes I have made today.

Wanting to get up he only pushed me back down and cussed me out more while I ignored him, "Look Guerrero, I honestly don't give a fuck what's going on with you; either your popping a squat or pissin' about, but while your on my trenches under my direct orders-" He takes step closer as I sink into my chair, "-You will do your job as accordingly. Do I have myself clear!?" I give quick nod, after he dismisses me I speed out of the room.

The entire day I tried to do my assignments as told, but I couldn't get rid of the guilt building inside of me. Even the danm shooting wasn't helping this time, I wanted this to be over, but I wasn't ready to apologize yet for whatever reason I did.

Lifting up one of the heavy boxes from the ground, I feel a sudden painful bliss from my knee. Dropping the box I groan painfully, having to have to be carried to the nurses tent so they can check my knee.

Laying on the bed a nurse comes over handing me dose pills, I grab the water swiftly downing the pills. "Fucking sake, Fuck, fuck." I clench the bed sheets tightly along with my eyes squinting shut.

A young red headed nurse explained because of all of the heavy lifting I must've put to much pressure on, so the fucker decided to give out on me today. Of all the days it decided to do it on the worst day possible.

Constantly clenching the sheets every so often from the nonstop pain, I kept wishing that when I open my eyes Sebastian will be sitting there. As he has done before, I can still remember the day he helped me out when I was shy and nervous around everyone. Now wish he was here to tell me more about his family and how it's like to be jewish.

The pain in his eyes earlier made me want to hug him, just to express my deep stupidity for allowing myself to let Mareuo to kiss me. I just wanted her to be happy, I can't stand that she's going back Paris knowing well enough that it's very dangerous over there.

After a few hours, night was taking over day I can see a few nurses packing to leave. Standing up, I grab my crunches waiting for Mareuo at the entrance.

For the first time I prayed for Mareuo to make it back home safely, also for her son. Opening my eyes, Mareuo grins when seeing me and said, "I wish you can come with me Rual." She sighs sadly and places her bag down carefully, she walks over and gives me a hug.

Hugging Mareuo back, I rub her back in a caressing matter. Pulling away I cup the both of cheeks, the both of our eyes closed, "I want you be happy when you leave, I'll try to visit when this...war is over" She nods softly then kisses me, kissing her back gently; I wrap my arms around her waist pulling her closer to me.

I can feel her fingers going for my shirt, but I pull away abruptly and stated, "Not here, somewhere more romantic if I make it out of here alive." Mareuo sniffs her nose wipping her tears away, she grabbed her bags quickly without another word and leaves the tent.

Sighing with a shaking breathe, I lay back down on the medic bed placing my creche against the tent wall. I wanted her to be happy before she left, even though I felt nothing in the kiss and I knew the kiss wasn't something I wanted inside, but it was something Mareuo would be happy with.

Closing my eyes I rub the back of my neck wishing I could get Sebastian to come over here, so I can apologize to him and explain to him why I needed to do this. "I'm so sorry." I mutter lowly to myself as I continued to rest on the medic bed.

Hearing some footsteps I open my eyes to see Sebastian leaning against the entrance close by to my bed, sitting up I feel myself starting to smile, "Sebastian I am sorry, I never me-" Cutting me short he abruptly hugs me, smiling happily. I return the hug back, I rest my head on his shoulder while I feel his hand caressing my dark brown hair.

Pulling away from the hug I watch him take a seat on the chair, "Walker told me you got hurt, and he kind of convinced me to get my sorry ass over here to apologize." Sebastian crosses his arms loosely, he runs a hand through his hair and looks at the floor momentarily.

"Rual, I...I know why I was upset, but I want to know if you were upset for the same reason." His tone was filled with this nervousness, I watched him rub his thighs then his wrist as well. He gets up and takes a seat on the medic bed as well, his skin paling when we're only a few inches apart.

Sebastian glances at me hesitantly with a such intensity in his eyes, giving me an exciting warmness in my stomach. I swallow hard noticing that a pull wouldn't allow us to rip are glaze apart from one another, "I was jealous that the Nurse kissed you Rual, there's something going on between us. And I know you know it too."

His statement made me get off of the bed shaking my head from refusal, grabbing my crunches I feel Sebastian grabbing the both of my arms breathlessly. Feeling him stepping closer, I can feel myself panting heavily, I wanted to pull him closer but was to scared to do so.

I look at the floor not wanting to look into his eyes, I know if I do this the outcome will come true. Closing my eyes tightly I mutter, "I can't I'm sorry, we're just friends." Opening my eyes I see a frown appearing on his lips.

Wanting to get closer I pull away from his grip, "We can't Sebastian, people go through this a lot of times and it turns out to be nothing." I state shakily, sitting back down on the bed running a hand through my hair.

Looking up Sebastian crosses his arms, nodding in agreement. He comes close to me grabbing the both of my hands and holding them tightly onto his, "I'm with you till the end, until I'm gagging up blood and dramatically crying." He said jokingly, the both of us laughing.

The laughed echoed out of the tent, the both of us talking until dawn, how it will be like back at home. How we miss eating the delicacy of a home cook meal, and are daily routines back home.

Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter, next one coming up soon.

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